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街道两旁榆树成行。Elms line the steets.

布达佩斯位于河的两旁。Budapest lies astride the river.

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小路两旁都种有月桂树。The path was lined with laurels.

大道两旁都种着树。There are trees beside the road.

高大的柳树排列在公路两旁。High willows ranged along the highway.

大街两旁的梧桐树已绿叶满枝了。The trees and shrubs were in full leaf.

我们沿着两旁有榆树的大街步行。We walked down a stately avenue of elms.

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路两旁的树长得很齐整。The road is flanked by neat rows of trees.

道路两旁笔直的白杨排成行。Erect poplars lined both sides of the road.

河的两旁是玉米地。On either side of the river lie cornfields.

两旁是妈祖光明灯。The lamps of two sides are Brilliance Lamps.

列车在两旁的档树中徐徐行驶。The train crept along gently, amid ash trees.

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成千上万的人站在列队行进路线的两旁。Thousands of people lined the processional mute.

沿路两旁的树木之间都种着花草。There are flowers between the trees along the road.

访客停车场主要设计在道路两旁。Guest parkings are designed, mainly, along driveways.

住宅区街道两旁种上了银杏树。Many residential streets are lined with gingko trees.

头脑,你何时才学会把洁净和污秽放在两旁。With Cleanliness and Defilement on either side of you?

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左右两旁相合,可以推测这个字就是“祲”字。The right part of the word can be considered as "zhou".

小路两旁柳树成行,景色宜人。The path is landscaped with willows along its two sides.

乡绅和利弗西医生手里拿着烟斗,分坐在火焰明亮的壁炉两旁。Livesey sat, pipe in hand, on either side of a bright fire.