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而我就像是一个孤魂野鬼。But I likely am a fox soul wild ghost.

我们找到孤魂野鬼一样的人们在废墟?游荡。We are the unloved ones. The walking wounded.

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我只想像一个孤魂一样,完完全全地隐姓埋名。I just wanted to be a ghost, completely anonymous.

他的国家忘记了,但是他没有忘记,红树林游荡的孤魂。His country forgot, but he did not, the mangrove ghosts.

孤魂野鬼一样的人们在废墟里游荡。We found people wandering like ghosts through the ruins.

我们找到孤魂野鬼一样的人们在废墟里游荡。We found people wandering like ghosts through the ruins.

那些孤魂野鬼是这样的,通常,他们也就是移动物体而已。It's always been that way with earthbounds. Usually, they move things.

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我的爱,也不会让我成为永久的孤魂。My love will not make me be a forever sole soul even in the darkest palace.

她的声音尖锐而痛苦,仿佛冬夜里的孤魂野鬼在嚎叫。Her voice was sharp and bitter, like the cry of a lost soul in the wintry night.

就算坠入最黑暗的地方,我的爱,也不会让我成为永远的孤魂。My love will not make me be forever lone soul, even I fall in the blackest place.

人们做诵经作法等事举行「普渡」以超渡孤魂。Practices such as chanting something that people do hold a "Purdue" to souls Alone.

令人不解的是,历史上居然会有这么一个人吸引了能够感应到那么多“孤魂野鬼”们在另一时空如此深重和惨烈的求救呼唤。It is questionable whether any person in history ever attracted so many telepathic cries of such fierceness.

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有些人学佛以后,停止祭拜祖先,更不必说要拜孤魂野鬼了。Some people stop making offerings to ancestors, not to mention to wandering ghosts, after they began to learn Buddhism.

十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤魂,无处话凄凉。Ten years, not better than the life and death two since unforgettable, li, the wandering soul, there is no words and desolate.

而这样做其实也是为了自己的祖先,否则的话,孤魂野鬼捣乱,自己的祖先也就不得安宁了。But it was also for the benefit of the ancestors because if lonely spirits stirred up trouble the ancestors would not rest in peace.

请鬼,是打开鬼门,迎请阴间的孤魂野鬼来到阳间。Inviting the ghosts involves opening the ghost gate, and inviting the wandering souls to come up from the underworld into the light.

她能够召唤食腐蝠群和孤魂野鬼,用它们来杀死那些活著的人类。She uses her abilities to call upon carnivorous bats and long dead spirits to lay to rest all who still pump blood through their veins.

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黄色的缎带系在竹棍上,或者在边上压个石头,好避开那些孤魂野鬼。Yellow ribbons were placed on the end of a bamboo stick or kept in place by a stone on top of the tomb so as stave off wandering ghosts.

道教徒相信,从农历七月初一起,阴间打开鬼门,放出孤魂野鬼到人间来接受奉祭。Taoists believe that early in July from the Lunar New Year with the ghosts of hell Open the door, off ghosts from the earth to accept the sacrifice.

招待这些孤魂野鬼最好的方法就是烧纸钱让他们花,提供食物饮料当祭品供他们享用。The best way to treat these wandering souls is to burn ghost money for them to spend and offer food and drinks as sacrifices for the ghosts to dine on.