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有时也煞有介事,拿着简谱在钢琴上摩拳擦掌。Sometimes story, take on the piano chords try.

他们能将不可能的事制作的煞有介事”。They can make impossible things seem possible.

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什么是生命?“他在介绍部分煞有介事地问。What is life?" he asks, rhetorically in the introduction.

既然不反对,为何他又要如此煞有介事地写这本书呢?And if he doesn’t argue against it, why has he bothered to write this book?

彼得斯站在家门口人行道上,煞有介事地慢吞吞地装烟斗…Peters stands on the walk to his house, making an elaborate ritual of filling a pipe.

他频繁地看到一个匆匆忙忙,煞有介事的高个子男士出现,即便是到了第一百零一次也不例外。It's a hundred and one that he will see a tall man appear, with a busy, important air.

不管怎样,这还是让我思考了一番按钮的命名是否真的需要那么煞有介事。Anyway, this got me thinking of whether the particulars of button nomenclature really matter.

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今天早晨,我还看到了另外一篇报道,煞有介事的说我是因为背部伤势发作疼痛难忍,从而缺席了昨天的训练课。I saw this morning there were reports that I was out of practice yesterday because of a sore back.

他们的讨论比莫尔斯先生餐桌上的讨论格调要低得多,不像那么一本正经,煞有介事。The tone of discussion was much lower than at Mr. Morse's table. The men were not grave and dignified.

他每天早晨起来,就要象煞有介事地拿着一只篮子到外边去捡树枝木片,以备生炉子引火用。Every morning he went out importantly with a basket to pick up twigs and chips to start the fires with.

对那些文学的赝品,我们只能拒绝它们,不要去吹捧它们,更不必制造煞有介事的理论依据为它们鸣锣开道。We should reject the counterfeit literature, not boost it or create any imaginary theory to cut a road for it.

文学创作具有游戏的性质,而网络创作则是最煞有介事的游戏。Literary production is of game's nature, but the network creation is the game which most pretends to be serious.

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祁乐回家,祁仁煞有介事地追问她,禽流感是否已在社区内爆发,祁乐否认,但祁仁不信。QiLe home, QiRen bothered to ask her, is within the community outbreaks of bird flu, QiLe denied, but QiRen or not.

当连我们自个儿都不达标时,我们要怎么煞有介事地为其他国家“带去民主与和平”?How can we seriously "bring peace and democracy" to other Nations, when we're not even living up to our own standards?

纵观世界各民族之婚俗,其婚礼之庄重、繁杂与煞有介事,莫过于华夏民族。The wedding custom of the Chinese nation is much more solemn and complicated than that of the other nations in the world.

异端诗歌,毕竟与堂而皇之者们形成了煞有介事的分庭抗礼,从而以对等的身份羞辱地捉弄了权威者的地位。Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality.

它描述了1600年代到1800年代的经济泡沫,其中多数在回顾之下显得荒诞无稽,在当时却煞有介事。It describes financial bubbles in the 1600s to 1800s, most of which look ridiculous in retrospect but were very serious at the time.

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他爱听售货员说他想像出来的那种东西暂时脱销,于是他就煞有介事地许诺改天再来光顾。He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date.

对于国际足联专款的帐户,他一手独揽。于是他伸出手指,拔出钢笔,签了一些煞有介事的支票来庆祝获得这个新差事。He was made sole signatory on the FIFA grant account, and he celebrated his new job by flexing his fingers, unsheathing his pen and writing some serious cheques.

而在维多利亚晚期一种普遍的办法是在一具裸露的躯体旁煞有介事地表演情景剧。One popular approach late in the era was to fashion portentous melodramas around a naked figure.Who could complain about impropriety if the subject was martyrdom?