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学习外国与崇洋媚外完全是两回事。To learn from foreign countries is entirely different from worshipping everything foreign.

不要忘记那些崇洋媚外,将自己人视为二等公民的人们。Do not forget those who worship the foreigner and treat their own people as second-class citizens.

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北京禁止“享乐主义”广告宣传——北京禁止宣传享乐主义或崇洋媚外性质的户外广告。Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.

不知从什么时候校园里兴起了过洋节,极受崇洋媚外人士的欢迎。Do not know from when campus of the quarter, up very popular worshipping foreign powers personage of welcome.

如果发达国家的人们能改变自己不环保的消费方式,也许发展中国家的“崇洋媚外”将会变得有积极意义。If people in rich countries stop their non-sustainable consumption, maybe the worship will make some positive sense.

急于丢弃自己姓名的现象相信和过去崇洋媚外的想法没有关系。The strong desire to drop Chinese names is probably unrelated to the mentality in the past to fawn over things foreign.

时髦元素地单一很主要地表示为印度人地崇洋媚外心理很有限。Fashion element is very important to the performance of a single Indian worshiper of foreign things for the mental is limited.

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成为中央电视台浴火重生的新标志,和扫除所有崇洋媚外的中国文化政治精英的历史性素材。As CCTV new symbol of ashes, and eliminate all blindfoldedly intend Chinese cultural and political elite of historic materials.

有许多中国人想说英语,其实并非是崇洋媚外,因此没有什么大不了,因为他们需要更多的机会联系英语。It's nothing much that many Chinese are eager to speak English. They do this merely because of their need of practice , instead of snob value.

北京禁止”享乐主义”广告宣传——北京禁止宣传享乐主义或崇洋媚外性质的户外广告。Beijing bans "hedonistic" advertising – Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.

一座中央文化标志楼,俨然成为典型的中国文化改革开放的崇洋媚外现象“意淫”世界级产物!A central culture symbol building, acting as a typical Chinese cultural phenomenon of reform and opening-up blindfoldedly intend "Yin" world-class product!

有许多中国人想说英语,其实并非是崇洋媚外,因此没有什么大不了,因为他们需要更多的机会联系英语。It is not blind adoration to foreigner that many Chinese want to speak English, so it is not surprising, because of many opportunities in contact with English.

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不喜欢被别人说我崇洋媚外,但自己的成长却偏偏跟那个曾经的殖民地的电视、杂志文化所影响。People regards me as being xenocentric, which vexes me a lot, but my life is influenced by this used-to-be colony deeply from their TV, magazines to their culture.

而且,我认为,仅仅因此就说她是轻浮的女孩或者是崇洋媚外,似乎有点夸张,这仅仅是一个女孩实现她曾经的想法,并没有影响到她的爱国情操。Also, I think it is exaggerated to say giglet "or worship things of foreign countries". it is just a girl wants to fulfill her once dream, not affect her patriotism.

这也是进口柴油机成套厂家充分利用了国人崇洋媚外的心理来赚取高额的利润。This is also complete sets of imported diesel engine manufacturers make full use of the Chinese people worshipping foreign powers to earn the psychological high yields.