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而其余大量的贷款还没有降低账面价值。But the vast majority of loans have not.

账面上的金额都是虚的了。Are carrying on the amount of the virtual.

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很多外企制造账面亏损假相,实则为逃避税收。They escape tax by the pseudophase of book loss.

我们花费了少得多的空间于回收期和账面报酬率。We spent much less space on payback or return on book.

但是,以这样的价钱,很难不在个人账面上露出马脚。But at these prices, it is difficult to avoid a paper trail.

在加拿大,银行账面资本中没有那么多的有毒资产。There are not so many toxic assets on the banks' books in Canada.

投资银行通常经由账面价值来衡量。Investment banks are mostly measured on their price-to-book value.

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低于面值购入之贴现债券,每年应将贴现收入摊入账面价值。The annual addition to book value contributed by bonds purchased below.

利息累计账面存货投资的资本。The interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory.

小女孩戴面纱,而账面孟汉娜背包去上学。Little girls wear veils while carrying Hannah Montana backpacks to school.

但是这意味着银行可能只能得到账面所计的一半收益。But that means it may get only half of the profit that it has on the books.

现在股票期权让其中的某些人变得真正富有,至少在账面上。Now stock options have made some of them seriously wealthy, at least on paper.

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如果投资率没有改变,日本将会进入账面赤字时代。If investment rates do not change, Japan will move into current-account deficit.

我们并不象账面上看起来那么容易对付,我可是听说很多球队想要挑上我们来打。We're not as easy as we look on paper. I hear a lot of teams want to match up with us.

俄罗斯天然气公司董事长阿列克赛·米勒说,这笔钱还没有出现在公司的账面上。Gazprom chairman, Alexei Miller, says the funds have yet to appear in company accounts.

武师傅发现账面上少了八百大洋,赶紧找来徐师傅商量。Master wu found less paper eight hundred oceans, hurriedly seek to master xu to discuss.

看见账面上利润逐月增加,郑某对自己的“英明决策”甚为自得。See the book profit on the increase month by month, Jeong for his "wise decision" very contented.

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在会上哈利发现他的账面价值已然上升。In a huge EGM of interested parties at Hogwarts Hall, Harry found that his book value had increased.

第三十八条出租人对经营租赁,应当披露各类租出资产的账面价值。Article 38A lessor shall disclose the carrying amount of each class of leased assets in the operating leases.

服用后,作为他的叔叔信使的工作,鱼是被海盗拦截,谁偷了包,他的账面。After taking a job as a courier for his uncle, Fish is waylaid by pirates, who steal the package he's carrying.