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前贤今人的著作每每提及,但却往往浅尝辄止,甚至陈陈相因。Many scholar often mentioned, but often superficial, and even copy the former.

也是他对前贤山水田园审美精神的踵武。It was also an acceptance of aesthetics spirit to mountains and rivers of the old people.

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而前贤忽视了这一有关构思根本的外来文化因子触媒。But scholars in the past neglected the foreign cultural factors when plot of a novel was conceived.

以后对于礼制起源问题,尚须在前贤时哲研究的基础上,进行深入、细致的探讨。Afterwards, we carry on a thorough and painstaking discussion on the subject of foundation by predecessors.

刘教授临证治病善用前贤名方,运用止嗽散治疗多种咳嗽是其经验之一。Professor Liu is experienced in applying effective prescriptions developed by ancient famous TCM specialists.

自1909年前贤开始研究敦煌文献以来,敦煌学已走过近百年的学术历程。Scholars have begun to study Dunhuang literature since 1909, and to this day, it was about one hundred years.

汉译佛典影响于隋唐五代小说创作题材,前贤已多有发现。Former worthies have found that Buddhist scripture had a great impact on the Sui Tan novels and the Five dynasties novels.

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在创作世界里,谁都经过吸收他人所长、间接或直接师事时人与前贤的阶段。In terms of literary creation everyone has experienced directly or indirectly drawing on masters of present or past times.

对其思想倾向、文学主张、散文理论与散文创作,分别提出了一些与前贤不同的观点。Different opinions of his ideological tendency, literary views, prose theory and prose creation are put forward in this paper.

另外笔者重点对班昭的生卒年作了辨正,以较为充分的证据,纠正了前贤讹误之处。Besides, About the time of Birth and Death of Ban Zhao, the author make sufficient evidence to correct the error of former scholars.

对其思想倾向、文学主张、散文理论与散文创作,分别提出了一些与前贤不同的观点。Different opinions of his ideological tendency, literary views, the theory and creation concerning prose are put forward in this paper.

第四章,薛能为人狂妄自大、非议前贤,使得后世评论家对他非议颇多,评价颇低。Chapter IV, Xue people can arrogant criticism Qianxian, making future generations of his critics Heart obnoxious , evaluation rather low.

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希望能在前贤研究的基础上,通过这些梳理,总结出一些经验,发现一些新的观点,弥补一点缺憾。Hope to be able worthies basis of the study, through the combing, gained some experience, found some new ideas to make up for that shortcoming.

本文拟在爬梳整理前贤学者研究成果的基础上,从句法、语义两个方面,对现代汉语语法歧义现象作了分析。Therefore, on the basis of former achievements, the paper analyses Contemporary Chinese grammatical ambiguous phenomena on syntax and semantic.

通过研究历代前贤医案,从中可悟出医家的学术思想,掌握其治疗特色、识证要领、用药经验等。Reading previous medical records can derive previous doctors' academic thoughts, diagnostic treatment characteristics and medication experience.

前贤对名家“轮不地”命题的各种解释存在着不同程度的缺陷。There are different degrees of deficiencies in the expainations by the prehistoric famous scholars about the proposition of "Wheels don ' t touch the ground ".

今天我们凭借前贤的成果对传统目录学进行更为深入、系统、全新之研究,对于张舜徽的目录学成就不能不给予相当的重视与借鉴。Today, we should attach importance to Zhang Shunhui's bibliography achievements and use it for reference when we make in-depth research about the traditional bibliography.

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原来,这是几天前贤硕让快递送的,这会儿想起这事,贤硕正在责怪申尚艺,怎么没有取消那个送花的订单。Originally, it was a few days to deliver the predecessors to express to recognize, think of it at the moment, xian is blame ShenShangYi, how do not cancel the order for the flowers.

本文在前贤研究基础上,关注汉语本体,对中学生作文语篇的衔接手段进行了较为系统的研究。This thesis based on the past worthies' study, pays attention to Chinese itself, and does systematic research which carries on to the text cohesion devices of middle-school student compositions.

笔者冀踪前贤既有研究成果,针对其中未论及者,或已论及然尚有可商榷之处,予以补充、探索。The author acted according to already some research results, in view of has not discussed that or already discussed that but also had the place which might discuss, supplemented, the exploration.