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内能u加上pv是什么?What's u plus pV?

亥姆赫兹自由能A等于内能u减去。TS A is u minus TS.

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一些内能,把体积扩大。Now I make the volume bigger.

这说明平衡状态下内能u是最小的。And u is minimized at equilibrium.

我们的自由焓H等于内能u加上。pV So our H is u plus pV, as you know.

内能只是温度的函数。That u is a function of temperature only.

所以当内能u和体积V固定时,dS大于零。So dS for u and V fixed is greater than zero.

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你还说十分钟内能到达的。You told me that you'd be here in 10 minutes.

关于内能是状态函数的证明是循环证明吗?。The main part of the Perlin function is the loop.

是否要计算熵的变化,内能的变化,自由焓的变化?Do we calculate, you know, delta S, delta u, delta H?

吉布斯自由能等于,内能u加上pV减去TS,也是自由焓H减去。Where the Gibbs free energy, TS u plus pV minus TS is H minus TS.

多任务要求计算机在同一时间内能处理多个不同的任务。Multitasks demands computer handle multiple tasks at the same time.

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内能的值,只与温度有关。The value of the internal energy is only determined by temperature.

一般来说,8岁小孩一星期内能记住3600个新单词。The average 8-year-old will learn 3600 new words in one year's time.

对于理想气体,我们知道内能只是温度的函数。So for an ideal gas, we saw that u was only a function of temperature.

速度训练在很短的时间内能消耗大量的卡路里。Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time.

一个顶尖的自行车骑者骑特殊的自行车在一分钟内能骑四千米。A top cyclist on a special bike can ride about four kilometers in a minute.

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有关研究表明,举重运动员在蓝色的体育馆内能举起更重的砝码。Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

用有限元法对模型进行求解,在内能和图像势能总能量极小时,获得准确的光条纹中心。The sub-pixel center of light stripe can be found when energy is minimized by FEM.

但是我们也可以说内能,是温度和体积的函数。But it's allowed to say the internal energy is a function of temperature and volume.