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我把开房通知单给您。I'll give you the accommodation advice.

科比在主场比赛前都会去酒店开房来好好睡一会儿。Kobe Bryant checks into a hotel before home games for his pregame nap.

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旅馆业本身的荷载系数由开房率来表示。The hotel business has its own load factor in the form of the occupancy rate.

一起开房的不一定是情侣谈爱、有可能是寂寞难耐。May not necessarily be open room with the couple about love, it may be lonely days.

他们可以跳上自己的私人飞机,然后飞到豪华酒店开房,几小时后再飞回家。They can pop in on their private jet, get a hotel room and fly back home within hours.

有时候,男人们会试图劝你到他们家去过夜,或者上宾馆开房。Sometimes men try to persuade you to go back to their houses or to a hotel room for sex.

有时,我们这些开房车的人喜欢把自己看成是开拓者,其实根本没有那么艰苦。For while we RVers like to see ourselves as pioneers, it isn't roughing it at all, really.

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他们可以跳上自己的私人飞机,然后飞到豪华酒店开房,几小时后再飞回家。They can pop in on their private jet, get a pricey hotel room and fly back home within hours.

据他们交代,他们的非法所得主要用来开房、上网以及买零食。According to their account, their illicitly acquired mainly used to open, Internet and extended.

一起去上海买衣服,没钱开房了就在网吧通宵,天亮了才回家。We both felt sick. She vomited right after coming home and I got stomachache on the next day morning.

其热切程度至少和我们想在东海岸的宾馆里开房“播种”一样强烈。And we want it at least as much as we want to spray our seed in the hotel rooms of the Eastern seaboard.

话说桑拿完以后,接到一个本地网友MM电话,问我XX酒店如何走,她要开房。After saying the sauna after a local users received MM phone, asking me how to take XX hotel, she would open room.

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对不起,恐怕12日以后的房间我不能确认给您。我们在旺季的开房率通常很高。I'm afraid we won't be able to guarantee you a room after the 12th . We usually have high occupancies in the peak season.

付处长和小三在宾馆开房被他的老婆逮了个正着,两人在宾馆门口大吵起来。Pay head and small three in the hotel open building caught red-handed by his wife, the two big fight at the gate of the hotel.

只要有人付钱,开房记录、名下资产、乘坐航班,甚至网吧上网记录都能被轻易查到。As long as someone pays, open room records, the name of the assets, flight, and even Internet cafes can easily be recorded online.

事实上在她的爱情公开后不久,我就看见章子怡在中国大饭店与汪小菲开房做spa。However, shortly after her love announcement, I saw Zhang checking into a lover's suite at China World Hotel spa with Wang Xiaofei.

事实上,在她的爱情宣言不久,我就看见章子怡在中国大饭店与汪小菲开房做spa。However, shortly after her love announcement, I saw Zhang checking into a lover's suite at China World Hotel spa with Wang Xiaofei.

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通常饮茶花园在星期六和星期天开房,娱乐和舞蹈之后,再饮点茶点便使下午的活动进入高潮!Usually the gardens were opened on Saturaday and Sunday, and an afternoon of entertainment and dancing would be highlighted by serving tea.

我在这家酒店预定了一间单人入住的大床标准间,我在这里住了三个晚上,在开房登记的时候,他们问有几个人住,我说一个。I had booked a standard queen bed room for one person, on checking in for my 3 night stay I was asked how many people were staying and I said one.

挂掉电话倒霉孩子无辜的眼神至今让我难忘,可怜还告诉大家,我不知道这事,那天我和某某开房没见着抢劫的,真的。Hang the innocent eyes of a child bad luck so far let me forget, sorry to tell people, I do not know these things, and such day I haven't seen looting, really.