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提防弦外之音啊,我的孩子!Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

带有严肃成分或者弦外之音的喜剧。A comedy with serious elements or overtones.

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我讨厌你这话的弦外之音,似乎我的工作不能令人满意。I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.

我不想变得无聊空泛,除了如果是说这个词的弦外之音。I don't want to be anything wishy-washy, except for the overtones of that.

弦外之音的意思指的是除了原本字面上的意义外,还有其他的暗示。Overtone means something suggested or implied in addition to what is actually stated.

会话含义是指语用含义或话语的言下之意,弦外之音。Conversational implicature refers to meaning of language use and connotation of the language.

也许你认为自己已经隐藏了真实情感,但旅行者可以从字里行间读出你的弦外之音。You might think you’re concealing your true feelings, but travelers can read between the lines.

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语境的价值主要在于会话含义中,一个话语在不同的语境中能体现说话人的言外之意、弦外之音。The value of context lies in conversations, and an utterance can imply the speaker's subaudition.

我不像我常常见到的有些人那样,听得出别人话里的弦外之音,显得对对方关心的事情感兴趣。I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.

她家里人说她身体很好,可是从弦外之音听来,我想她不可能康复。Her family says that she is well but, reading between the lines, I think that she is unlikely to recover.

假若她还听不出他的弦外之音,等她抬起眼来看他的时候,从他那容光焕发的脸上就能看得清清楚楚了。Had she doubted his meaning while she listened, the glow in his face, when she looked up at him, would have been decisive.

聪明的外国记者常常可以借推敲字句进过新闻检查.而让读者去了解弦外之音。A clever foreign correspondent can often avoid censorship by careful wording, leaving his audience to read between the lines.

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因为双方对话有点像“鸡对鸭说”,各自表述,女人的弦外之音总是要猜了又猜,而且基本猜错。Because the dialogue a bit like "chicken duck said, " each of the implication, the woman always guess and guess, and basic guess wrong.

片名看似带有弦外之音,就像高达暗示,假如监制或其他人要干扰导演的艺术创作,就索性我行我素,忠于自己的道路好了。Godard is making the statement that if a producer or anyone interferes with creativity, it is better for the artist to go one's own way.

谢天谢地还有这对情侣充满活力且自然真实的嬉笑怒骂,才能让人不那么注意故事那糟糕的弦外之音。Onscreen Chemistry? Thankfully the couple's lively and believable banter diverts attention from the somewhat creepy overtones of the story.

在晚上,我会去剧院看幽默的喜剧表演,我可以欣赏到反映人类精神的喜剧作品的弦外之音。In the evening, I should go to the theater, to a hilariously funny play, so that I might appreciate the overtones of comedy in the human spirit.

他们能够听到他人观点、看法、态度的弦外之音,乃至弦外之音的第二层、第三层意思。They are able to look beyond the literal meaning and find valuable second- and third-order data about people's perceptions, assumptions, and attitudes.

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我想知道的是,这位天才的音乐家是否遍历了欧洲,波兰和巴黎的文化,才到达可以读懂那种神秘的“悲凉”和“字里行间的弦外之音”的境地。The question is, if this highly talented musician has understood the European, Polish and Parisian culture with all its melancholy and its skepticism so-to-say "from within".

龚剑的大胆用色带来刺激的视觉感受,吸引观众的眼球,并且栖居其上,成为讽刺社会时弊的弦外之音。His brushwork reflects this variety of influences, while his use of color creates striking visual compositions that draw attention to this subtle and ironic social commentary.

他会前倾身体,享用听到的话---似乎是在嗅出、品尝人们的回答而不仅在与听,然后,立刻凭着直觉提出最小弦外之音。He would lean forward, savoring what he took in, seeming to smell and taste the answers more than hearing them, picking up immediately and viscerally on the slightest off note.