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毕比遇见一只青蛙。BeeBee meets a frog.

那青蛙更丑。That frog is uglier.

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变青蛙为王子。Into a handsome prince.

青蛙军曹的工资是?Is frog army Cao salary?

想一盒子青蛙一样黏。Sticky as a box of frags.

你在跟我说话吗,小青蛙?You talking to me, froggy?

“走开,猫!”青蛙说道。"Scat, cat! "said the frog.

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和她的九只小青蛙。And her little froggies nine.

青蛙。牠每天晚上都叫。A frog. It croaks every night.

这个蝌蚪已长成青蛙。The tadpole has become a frog.

嗯,青蛙先生,我正纺线。Yes, kind frog, I sit to spin.

青蛙艾下潜得最远到了底部。AI sank furthest to the bottom.

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青蛙和蝾螈都是两栖动物。Frogs and newts are amphibians.

老青蛙说,“多大?”" quoth the old frog, "How big?

青蛙在洼地里砰砰跳着。The frogs plunked in the hollow.

青蛙的腹面是白色的。The front side of frogs is white.

将你的小青蛙明天带到庭上。Bring your frog to court tomorrow.

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天微亮,青蛙就找到了我。Day micro-light, frogs to find me.

青蛙的朋友冬木来跨越。Frog's friend Fuyuki comes across.

“哇!”青蛙向前跳了亲近的一步。The frog croaked and jumped coyly.