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展项中的铜鼓影像、幻影绣球等也别具一格。The bronze drum image and phantom silk ball have a unique style.

铜鼓是布依族的神器礼器。Brass drums are the Bouyei people's instruments of deity worshipping.

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铜鼓文化是壮族人民主要的传统文化形态。Kettle-drum culture is an important cultural form of Zhuang nationality.

“吃年”过去后,就要把铜鼓、芦笛收起来,开始春耕。"Eat in" In the past, it should Tonggu, Lo Tik collection began to spring.

采用熔模铸造技术制备了仿古旅游工艺品———铜鼓。Imitation antique bronze drum for tourism was produced by investment casting.

我们将有梦想的权利,并且有权利铜鼓努力工作来实现我们的梦想。We will have rights to dream and have rights to work hard to achieve our dreams.

在我国西南少数民族群众中广泛流传着铜鼓的传说。Bronze Drum legends are widely spread among the Chinese minority Southwesterners.

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在学校中,我教学生玩爵士乐的鼓,半球形铜鼓,木琴等等。In school, I teach students to play jazz drums, kettledrums, xylophone and so on.

广东台山铜鼓黑沙湾因黑沙滩而闻名。It is famous for black-sand beach of Tonggu black-sand bay in Taishan, Guangdong province.

铜鼓作为广西历史上的民族图腾,是区域形象和民族形象的象征。As ethnic totem in Guangxi history, bronze drum is the symbol of regional and ethnic image.

待开发的有走马岭、庐溪峡、铜鼓岩、九峰十二度水等。To be developed are to go Maling, Cottage Creek Gorge, drums rock, Jiufeng 12-degree water.

对古代壮族铜鼓调音技术与内地铸钟调音技术进行了比较。The article compares the tuning technology between the chime and the bronze drum in ancient China.

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这些乐器中最珍贵的要数铜鼓,它往往被当作权势、财富和图腾崇拜的象征。Among these, the most precious one is the timbal, as a symbol of potency, wealth and totem worship.

他们都是铜鼓乐团的成员,因飞机上人多他们只好分别去找座位。They were all members of a steel band, but because the flight was full they had to mostly sit apart.

有段石锛、几何印纹陶、铜鼓是百越文化的代表性器物。Stepped adzes, Geometric and Bronze Drums, for instance, are three of the marked artifacts in Baiyue Culture.

我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强,却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。And our hearts , though stout and brave. Still , like muffled drums , are beating. Funeral marches to the grave.

但是,由于铜鼓的铸造技术“秘不外传”或“传男不传女”,到清代后己经失传。However, as Tonggu Foundry Technology" ST is not exported" or" male-female" to have been lost after the Qing Dynasty.

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古代铜鼓代表着东南亚青铜时代繁荣的顶峰,至今在东南亚社会仍可见其踪迹。Ancient bronze drums symbolized the peak of booming Bronze Age in Southeast Asia, whose trace can still be found in cont.

在布依族人民的心目中,铜鼓象征着财富、权力和团结。In the hearts of the Bouyei people, the timbal symbolises the wealth, power and unity, and is treated with great respect.

西部地区的布依族,多把铜鼓当作神看待,两耳系着红绸,表示镇压邪恶,也不让铜鼓“见天”。Among the Bouyei communities of the western area, it is considered sacred and red silk tied on its ears, to suppress improbity.