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我真的融入到这鼓乐独奏中。I really got into the drum solos.

我喜欢非洲鼓乐的令人兴奋的节奏。I like the exciting rhythm of African drum music.

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现场鼓乐齐奏、龙师共舞/舞狮庆祝。It was welcomed by banging drums and dragon and lion dancers.

黄河水给予了黄河人豪迈的气魄,各种鼓乐活动异彩纷呈。The Yellow River water gives its drum playing people courage and generosity.

配色,鼓乐处理、分散经营的经验是首选。Color matching, drum handling, and disperser operation experience is a preferred.

入夜,村寨鼓乐相闻,人们纵情歌舞,热闹非凡。At night, the village drum phase smell, people indulge in song and dance, boisterous.

包括绛州鼓乐在内的山西“晋鼓”,早在新石器时代就已有之。Including Jiangzhou drum music, the Jin drum in Shanxi existed as early as the Neolithic.

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土家族地区的丧葬习俗,常和鼓乐同在,与歌舞同存。The funerals in the regions of Tujia Nationality are often accompanied with drum music and dance.

课后,他和伙伴们还常常演奏大声却适合他听觉的鼓乐。After class, he and his companions often played drum music, which was noisy but suitable for his hearing.

集体鼓乐,与众同乐。无需音乐演奏经验,适合任何人士即场参与!Have fun and let off some steam at the Drum Circle. Open to everyone, no musical experience is necessary!

一些最好的培训教材,我得到的鼓乐和编程概念来自这一来源。Some of the best training materials that I got for drumming and programming concepts came from this source.

在鼓乐震撼的迴音感动之馀,真想把这样的记忆带回家,那您就非得在十鼓纪念品馆多驻足。After enjoying shaking drum music, if you want to bring this memory to home, you can visit Ten Drum Memento Hall.

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虽则天气不稳定亦间中下了大雨,但亦无阻一班集体鼓乐的爱好者前来参加。A lot of drumming enthusiasts came to participate the Drum Circle whatever the bad weather and sudden heavy shower!

第三章针对万载得胜鼓乐班的演奏乐器、曲牌及其音乐本体形态进行细致、深入的探究。Chapter III for winning Wanzai musical instruments music classes, and music Qupai detailed body shape, in-depth inquiry.

不同的表演曲目使乐手或鼓或舞、演奏的鼓乐时而深邃悠远、时而激情四射。The performers of the Philharmonic Society have the fine basis in percussion music and the profound accomplishment in dancing.

新疆伊犁纳格拉鼓乐是新疆仍保存并发展着的一个民间吹打乐种。Nagra music in Yili of Xinjiang is a type of folk wind and percussion ensemble which is still well preserved and developed today.

圣火非洲鼓乐团的演出服装尽显原始非洲特色,大量使用动物皮毛和色彩鲜艳的图腾彩绘。On top of that when performing, they wear typical African Traditional costumes like animal skins and other colorful African cloths.

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结语部分对万载得胜鼓乐班的生存状态进行一个剖析,对本课题之后的研究空间提出了一系列的设想。Wanzai conclusion part of the winning music classes for the survival of a state analysis of the issues raised after a series of space vision.

行进小鼓的体积比一般为深套鼓乐团或用途的小鼓,往往在一英尺长的测量研究。Marching snare drums are deeper in size than snare drums normally used for orchestral or drum kit purposes, often measuring in at a foot long.

文章以纳格拉鼓乐的结构为研究对象,用实例找出此乐种构成形式,并对与此相关内容进行了考证式的研究。With Nagra music as object of research, this article aims to find out medley construction of the music and makes textual research on the content related.