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他们住在一条陋巷里。They lived in a shabby street.

他们在小俱乐部在穷街陋巷的。They played in small clubs in the back streets of the city.

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他绝没有要把她的女儿拽到黑暗的穷街陋巷里去的意图。He had no intention of dragging her daughter down the dark back alley. No.

沿着脏乱的陋巷,当地居民正在临时搭建的厨房里吃午饭。The locals are eating lunch in makeshift kitchens down grungy back alleys.

他从小在巴拿马城中心闹市区的穷街陋巷里长大。He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City.

孔子谈疏食饮水和单瓢陋巷指的都只是此一面。Confucius about drinking water and a single scoop sparse Louxiang refers only to this aspect.

这是帕索里尼的第一部电影,根据他自己的小说改编,它以现实而冷漠的眼光审视了罗马的穷街陋巷。Based on his own novel, Pasolini's first film is a realistic and unsentimental look inside the slums of Rome.

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在这个臭气冲天的陋巷内,他是一分钟也不想多待。After forwarding the duke's invitation, he was eager to leave since he didn't want to stay at the shabby and stinking lane.

新德里和孟买呢,穷街陋巷仍是尘土飞扬,路上乱跑的是烧柴油的三轮车,尾气烟熏着沿街光脚的乞丐。In New Delhi and Mumbai the dusty lanes remain lined with barefoot beggars and cluttered with soot-belching motorized rickshaws.

片中,一只有如被话题女星派瑞丝希尔顿娇生惯养的狗狗,在墨西哥穷街陋巷走失了,放眼望去,没有任何一家美疗沙龙或比佛利山庄罗迪欧大道的精品店。In it, a pampered Paris Hilton-friendly pooch gets lost in the mean streets of Mexico without a day spa or Rodeo Drive boutique anywhere in sight.

在东南亚之旅中,他们见到了孟加拉、泰国、印度、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦那些生活在劳工营、贫民窑和穷街陋巷的孩子们。Through their travels, they would meet with children from the labor camps, slums, and back alleys of Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

年轻的贾克森来到纳沙达星球,之后,用了几年时间在垂直城市的穷街陋巷磨练自己的街头求生技能和随机应变能力。The young Jaxxon landed on Nar Shaddaa, and spent the next few years honing his streetwise survival skills and razor-sharp wit on the mean streets of the vertical cities.

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有时穷街陋巷里的回声和迷雾让人联想起这部小说,但是如今,所谓的‘发展’多少已经将这座城市剩下的掩埋了。Sometimes you get echoes and mists in the back streets off the Liffey that remind you of the book, but what we laughingly call 'progress' has more or less erased the rest.

要么他们消失了踪影,化装整容,学无产者口音,在工厂里做工,找个穷街陋巷安然过一生。Or they would disappear alter themselves out of recognition learn to speak with proletarian accents get jobs in a factory and live out their lives undetected in a back-street.

然而,巴西的女性正跻身于这个以男性为主导的职业,不仅参与里约穷街陋巷的治安工作,还在企业中占据某些最高级别的职位。But Brazilian women are making inroads into this male-dominated profession, not just policing Rio's mean streets but also occupying some of the highest ranks in the corporation.

英国的穷街陋巷出现了一群群只有小学年龄的团伙,他们为了维护其“团伙”名誉不惜打架、抢窃、贩卖毒品、甚至杀人。The mean streets of Britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight, rob, deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their "crews".

引起一场流行音乐革命的是利物浦的四个小伙子,他们凑在一起自称为披头士乐队,在利物浦穷街陋巷的小夜总会里演唱。The people responsible for the pop revolution were four Liverpool boys who joined together in a group and called themselves the Beatles. They played in small clubs in the back streets of the city.