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又好象是一骨碌儿水滴。It's like drops of water.

凝成水滴,滴落在不远处。Water plunks in the distance.

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婴儿把口水滴到我手上。The baby drivelled on my hand.

水滴穿石.Constant dripping wears away stone.

她把一些水滴在他脸上。She dripped some water on his face.

凝结的水滴称为霜。The frozen droplets are called rime.

他任由烟草水滴淌到他的下巴。He drooled tobacco juice over his chin.

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我看到那两滴水滴了!I see those two water drops over there.

对呀,六一散是水滴赞助的。怎么勒,出现啥问题了?Two B or Not Two B, that is a question.

云是由空中极细微的水滴构成。Clouds are formations of condensed water vapor.

鼻子,很明显,是一个凝聚了的水滴,或钟乳石。The nose is a manifest congealed drop or stalactite.

拿个什么东西来接管子下面漏的水滴。Bring me something to catch the drips under this pipe.

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云是由空中极细微的水滴构成。Clouds are formations of tiny drops of water in the sky.

炽烈的光阴把汗水滴到花盆中把花儿浇透。In sweltering hot days, water your flower by your sweat.

云是由悬在空中的水滴形成的。Clouds are formed from drops of liquid hanging in the air.

我就会还给您生发剂和一瓶外用药水,请用滴管把药水滴在头皮上,每日两次。I'm also giving you some hair tonic and a bottle of lotion.

这个洞穴经常能听到水滴声。The sound of dripping water is always heard in this grotto.

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慢慢看着水滴溅落在花瓣上?Slowly watching water droplets splashing down in the petals?

外观如水滴形成扁圆体。The outward appearance like waterdrop forms the oblate body.

有这种特征的硅晶表面对水是完全排斥的,在这样的硅晶表面上,水滴打上去就会象乒乓球那样反弹回去。On such a surface, a water droplet bounces like a tennis ball.