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我们骑着脚踏车前进,大声歌颂着。We bicycled along, singing loudly.

他写成押韵的十四行诗歌颂她。He rhymed out sonnets in her praise.

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别记了歌颂她的新衣服。Donhat forget to praise her new dress.

哦,我怎能不越礼地把你歌颂。O how thy worth with manners may I sing.

谁把某个人描述成酷刑的歌颂者?Described someone as a eulogist of torture?

夜间的威严在地面回旋,歌颂。The night wind whirls in the sky and sings.

它对暴力约会到底是谴责还是歌颂?Does it condemn dating violence, or glorify it?

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这是智利诗人聂鲁达对于南美洲葡萄酒的歌颂。A wine song singed by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

歌颂为他人牺牲的病态温情主义!Sickly sentimentalism about sacrifice for others!

一切歌颂赞美,都归我主我的神。Oh Lord I will praise You and sing You a new song.

报纸同声歌颂总统。The papers all chorused praises for the president.

上主的众司祭,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远!Priests of the Lord, praise and exalt him for ever.

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上主的众仆人,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远!Servants of the Lord, praise and exalt him for ever.

他们更喜欢歌颂他们今天生活的新作品。They prefer new works that sing of their life today.

推销员正在歌颂公司的辉煌成就。The salesman is carolling the glories of the company.

举杯痛饮,同声歌颂友谊地久天长。Wassail toast, simultaneous praise of Auld Lang Syne.

天空所有飞鸟,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远!All the birds of heaven, praise and exalt him for ever.

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层层高天,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远!Heavens, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him for ever.

这部史诗歌颂了这个原始部落的创始人。This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe.

在你们的唱颂里,你们以至古者来歌颂我。In your bhajans you sing of me as being the ancient one.