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那你们是矿冶公会的一员?The meeting hall of a guild.

我母亲是卫理公会派教徒之一。My mother is one of the Methodists.

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你能和卫理公会教徒结婚吗?Could you actually marry a Methodist?

那你们是矿冶公会的一员?SO you're part of the mining guild then?

在当时,立法是公会的职责。The Sanhedrin the law makers of the day.

公会是犹太社会里的最高法院。The Sanhedrin was the high court of the Jews.

你们和西方的顶级公会保持联系吗?。Do you keep contact with the top western guilds?

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修正在创建公会的国家佳洁士。Fixed the Nation Crest for Guilds upon creation.

在马华公会中,有些领袖是敢怒敢言的。In MCA, there is some leaders who dare to speak.

公会学院会在那里教会你与石为语。The Guild college there'll teach you to talk stone.

卫理公会圣钟之声我还能听见。I can still hear the sounds of those Methodist bells.

他家大多数人是卫理公会教徒,但他是圣公会教徒。Most of his family are Methodists, but he is C. of E.

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黑暗与光明有几个类型的公会。There will be several types of guilds to choose from.

莫珍歪卫理公会是位于在霹雳州的曼隆县。CKCMC is located in the State of Perak Manjung County.

在这里,您应该幻灯片屏幕面积大律师公会到左边。Here you should slide the screen area bar to the left.

身为一名卫理公会教徒,他是禁欲的热情拥护者。As a methodist he was a fervent advocate of temperance.

货运公会宣布了他们的海运运费率。The freight conference publishes its ocean cargo rates.

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有一个绿色大律师公会对画面上方用制表符。There is a green bar on the top of the screen with tabs.

UST是TW-圣光之愿服务器联盟方一亲友休閒公会。UST is a casual Alliance guild on TW-Light's Hope Realm.

检查公会的创建结果,一些和公会相关的清理。Check guild creating result, some guild related cleanups.