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或是横笛小小的声名。Or a fife's small fame.

他是个声名显赫的政治家。He is a statesman of great eminence.

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又有谁真的愿意声名远扬?Who would really want to be an insider?

愚蠢的行为严重地玷污他的声名。His foolish behavior discredits him seriously.

她那主妇的声名任凭所有的人践踏在脚下。Her matronly fame was trodden under all men's feet.

来到一个声名远扬的学校,and coming to like a school with a good reputation,

纳木错以其高海拔和令人窒息的美景而声名远扬。It is famous for its high altitude and imposing scenery.

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小亚细亚洲的佛里吉亚国里曾有一位声名远扬的迈达斯国王。King Midas was a famous king from Phrygia in Asia Minor.

当一个“留名者”声名大噪之后,他就被认为是“扬名”了。When a tagger becomes well known, he is said to be 'up'.

若何声名你的截至刻日和要求马上付款?。How to specify your deadline or demand immediate payment?

也就是从这时起,“伙计”独有的技艺开始声名远扬。It was then that Mac's special skills started to blossom.

这名政客的性丑闻有损其声名。The sex scandal of the politician dampens his reputation.

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成为声名赫赫的骑手或者弓箭手!Become the caballero with illustrious reputation or bow hand!

保罗·克利去世至今,声名从未停止过上升。Paul Klee's fame has never stopped ascending since his death.

但在三个人的帮助下而结束的危机,也让他们的声名受到了损害。But all three have been sullied by the crisis they helped end.

到1920年,福克斯和环球已经声名显赫。By 1920, Fox and Universal were already names to conjure with.

瑞士雇佣军人在这些军队中声名显赫Swiss were great, famous mercenaries fighting in these armies.

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于是,芝华士作为经典苏格兰威士忌的代名词,声名远扬。As a result, Chivas Scotch, as synonymous with classic, famous.

此后,黑暗餐厅声名大振,遍布欧洲。Since then, dark restaurant became infamous, throughout Europe.

毫无疑问,现代主义有其声名显赫的的智慧祖先。To be sure, modernism had its illustrious intellectual ancestry.