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红木桌作价五英镑被拍卖了。A mahogany table was knocked down for five pounds.

我会把整项技术一次性作价转让。I will put the whole price of a one-time transfer of technology.

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他已要求对富通作价每股大约7欧元。Modrikamen has demanded a deal that values Fortis shares at about 7 euros.

顺加作价改革虽然能降低药品价格,但并不能承担降低患者负担的重任。Defining drog price plus fixed rate can lower drog price, but cannot reduce patients burden.

经济合同履行后,定金应当收回,或者抵作价款。After the economic contract is performed, the deposit shall be returned or set off against the price.

他赌一个朋友,一个了解这辆汽吹情况的艳理工,缺帖把那辆旧扯作价再补些钱买辆忻型的。A friend of his, a repairman who knew the condition of the car, urging him to trade his old car for a new model.

顺加作价改革对医院的作用,由于医院等级不同而效果不同。The reform of drog price plus fixed rate affect on hospitals differently according to the different hospital degree.

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经济合同履行后,定金应当收回,或者抵作价款。If the party that receives the deposit fails to perform the contract, it shall return twice the amount of the deposit.

第一百三十六条公司发行新股,可以根据公司经营情况和财务状况,确定其作价方案。The provisions of Articles 88 and 89 of this Law shall be applicable to the issue of new shares by a company to the public.

不管是买方还是卖方,都有可能宣布关于交易的不可抗力,尽管作价期已经开始。Neither Buyer nor Seller may declare Force Majeure in respect of Concentrate for which the Quotational Period has already commenced.

他们并且谈妥条件,假如在仲春底以前找着了那个原物,这一串项链便以三万四千法郎作价由店主收回。And they made a bargain that he should buy it back for thirty-four thousand francs in case they found the other one before the end of February.

本文主要是对外资收购我国A股市场上市公司非流通股股权作价方法的理论和运用研究。In this paper, the pricing method on foreign company acquiring non-common shares of Chinese listed company in A stock market is the main topic.

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这个传统已经失传,但是很多人还是会同意以你的服务或物品作价交换,特别是如果你们是朋友或互相认识。It's a lost art, but lots of people will take your services or goods instead of money, especially if you're friends or at least know each other.

如果一家公司下注市场利率下行,它只需简单的利用它的市场作价单元建立它的投资债券。If a firm wants to place a bet on falling interest rates, for example, it can simply have its market-making unit build up its inventory of bonds.

第十四条膍当事人一方可向对方给付定金。经济合同履行后,定金应当收回,或者抵作价款。Article 14 One party may pay a deposit to the other party. After the economic contract is performed, the deposit shall be returned or set off against the price.

二级市场是已经取得采矿权的主体通过出售、作价出资、合作开采、重组改制等方式,将采矿权转让给他人。The second one is the market where the holders of mining rights transfer the rights to others by selling, investment, cooperation in exploration or re-organization.

第一百三十六条公司发行新股,可以根据公司经营情况和财务状况,确定其作价方案。Article 136 Where a company issues new shares, it may, on the basis of its operational and financial conditions, decide on a proposal on the price of the new shares.

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然而,至今为止仍然未明确该法则如何应用,或者如何阻止一些类型的自营交易,而把他们从作价市场中区分出来实非易事。However, it is not yet clear how the rule will be applied or how it will prevent some types of proprietary trading that are difficult to distinguish from market-making.

也就是说,在国际会计准则中,要求管理层对非单独部件基于其制造成本和加成的利润为基础提供作价证明。That is, the IFRS puts the onus on management to value a product component based on what it costs to manufacture the piece plus the profit-margin share built into the item.

评估结果经省级以上国有资产管理部门确认后,作为投入国有资产作价的依据。The assessment result serves as the foundation for evaluating State-owned property after the confirmation of State-owned property management departments at or above province level.