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褥疮分为几期?如何进行治疗?What are bedsore stages? How do you treat it ?

目的探讨治疗糖尿病人褥疮的护理方法。Objective To study the nursing of diabetic bedsore.

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在谈话间,我发现他得了褥疮。During the talk, I found that he had gotten bedsores.

褥疮怎么治,好的快?用什么药物?How is bedsore treated, good fast? With what medicaments ?

褥疮也是截瘫常见的并发症之一。The bedsore is also one of paraplegia common complications.

目的提供一种有效治疗褥疮的医院制剂。Objective To provide a kind of valid treatment for the bedsore.

四名受害者被发现时,营养不良且长满褥疮。The four victims were found malnourished and suffering from bedsores.

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目的探讨湿润烧伤膏治疗溃疡性褥疮的疗效。Objective To study the effects of M EBO in treating ulcerative bedsore.

目的探讨运用冷光紫外线治疗感染性褥疮的临床疗效。Objective To verify the efficacy of ultraviolet therapy in treating bedsore.

目的研究复方车前草软膏对褥疮的治疗作用。Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore.

目的研究复方车前草软膏对于褥疮的治疗作用。Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore.

目的探讨胶原凝胶复合物对各种类型褥疮的治疗效果。Objective To assess the effects of curing bedsores with the compound of collagen gel.

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是的,康贝RBI不但关于褥疮治疗具有清楚疗效,引荐你运用!Yes, COMBO RBI has clearly not only the effect on the bedsore treatment, referral you use!

家有长期卧床的瘫痪老人,最怕的就是发生褥疮。Families with long-term bedridden individuals most fear the onset of bedsores in the patient.

修复因褥疮而损伤的皮肤可以多食用额外的蛋白质、锌和维他命A、C、K。Repairing skin damaged by pressure sores requires extra protein, zinc, and vitamins A, C and K.

目的观察血竭粉对治疗高龄褥疮患者的疗效。Objective To observe the curative effect of draco-treatment for the aged patients with bedsores.

病人体位舒适,褥疮性溃疡部位及周围皮肤易于处理。Position client comfortably with area of decubitus ulcer and surrounding skin easily accessible.

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目的探讨血竭粉治疗溃疡期褥疮的疗效。ObjectiveTo study the efficacy of dragon's blood powder in the treatment of bed-sore at ulceration.

目的解决患者在使用圆圈式气圈预防褥疮过程中出现的圈式压伤问题。Objective To solve the problem of pressure injury while using the circlelike antibedsore air cushion.

目的了解肠内营养对长期卧床患者褥疮的治疗作用。Objective To study the treatment of enteral nutrition for the patients lie in bed longer with bedsore.