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我衷心感谢艾奥瓦的公民们。Thank you, Iowa.

衷心祝福你!Best wishes to you!

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衷心祝福你!I wish you the best!

衷心感谢楼主分享精彩电影!Thank you for the sharing!

衷心希望你能喜欢这个系列的文章。I hope you enjoy this series.

衷心欢迎你们的到来!A heartfelt welcome to everyone!

他向我鞠躬表示他衷心的谢意。He bowed me his heartiest thanks.

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我衷心祈祷今天你能让他们心想事成吗?I pray, can you give em one today?

我衷心地感激你的帮助。I am heartily grateful to your help.

请允许我向你表示衷心的问候。Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.

如蒙答复,将衷心感谢。Your kind reply will greatly obliges us.

衷心祝福您和家人节日快乐!Wish you and your family a happy holiday!

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我衷心希望如今我们可以太平无事了。I hoped heartily we should have peace now.

我衷心机你成功,亲爱的木偶。I wish you all good luck, dear Marionette.

衷心地祝贺你毕业!Heartly congratulations on your graduation!

请接受我衷心的祝贺。Please accept my heartiest congratulations.

我衷心希望任何人都不会再患这种病。I just wouldn't wish that disease on anyone.

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在你毕业之际,我向你表明衷心祝福。I'd love to congratulate you as you graduate.

书院谨向黄教授致以衷心祝贺!Our hearty congratulations to Professor Wong!

衷心感谢楼主分享精彩电影!Thank you for your sharing, such a good film.