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去慰问他们?To console them?

尼希米记的意思是“慰问使者”。Nehemiah means " Jah is comfort".

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你的慰问和关心将永志不忘。I will never forget my first love.

谨致最深切的慰问。May I offer my deepest condolences?

说我忘记向你缱绻的爱慰问。Forgot upon your dearest love to call.

请向你夫人转达我的慰问。Please convey my sympathy to your wife.

我们对您的不幸表示慰问。We condole with you on your misfortune.

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她写了一封信去表示慰问。She wrote a letter offering her sympathy.

胡锦涛致电日本天皇表示慰问。Hu extends condolences to Japanese emperor.

请向你夫人转达我的慰问。Please give my best wishes to your husband.

他想向死者亲友表示慰问。He wanted to show his sympathy for the bereaved.

请向杰克以及她的家人转达我的慰问。My condolences to Jack and her family, " he said.

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是否已向印尼方表示慰问?Has China sent condolences to the Indonesian side?

你母亲逝世,我特向你慰问。I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother.

而我的女儿夏洛特则收到了四封慰问卡片。My daughter Charlotte received four condolence cards.

你的慰问和关心,我将永铭在心。Your sympathy and kindness will always be remembered.

你的慰问和关心,我将永铭在心。Ywe sympathy or kindness be to usually be remembered.

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我们去慰问了卧床不起的人,并带去了一篮子食物。We went to visit and take a basket of food to the shut-in.

在这悲戚的时刻,谨向和的亲致以深切的慰问。At this time of sorrow, deep sympathy goes to you and yours.

家人和朋友们络绎不绝地进进出出,表达他们的慰问。Family and friends streamed in and out to offer their sympathy.