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本文就对在这一格局下产生的月份牌画作了初步考察。In this article, we make a first review about cards of months.

月份牌广告画记录着一个时代、一段历史、种文化。Calendar advertisement picture recorded the age, the history and the culture.

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第四部分研究月份牌画种隐含的近代审美变化成因。The last part will study of the cause of modern aesthetic in the calendar poster.

月份牌是被商家企业借用进行商品广告或促销的重要手段。Calendar Picture was an important means for advertisements or goods promotion that was used by enterprise.

本文旨在对“五四”前后月份牌中的“女学生”图像进行视觉文化研究。This article is intended to make visual culture studies of "schoolgirls" in calendar posters around May Fourth Movement.

之后月份牌画的题材和内容便逐渐转向表现以美人为主体的现实生活。The contents and subject matters of calendar posters later had turned to represent beauty as the main performance of the real life.

1914年郑曼陀独创的“擦笔水彩画法”受到时人的普遍欢迎,从此便在月份牌画中广泛使用。When Zheng Mantuo first created Calendar Picture in the technique of watercolor painting by brush rubbing, and got well receive in 1914.

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民众对文艺审美的尺度越放越大,“月份牌女郎”的重现可为一例。Another indication of changing notions of artistic and aesthetic permissiveness was the reemergence of "calendar girl"-designs, such as the one below.

本文将从绘画的视角对月份牌进行分析透视,在收集尽量多的资料的基础上对此做了较系统的研究。This paper tries to analyze the calendar posters from the angle of painting, and it carries out systematic research on the basis of abundant documents.

特别是月份牌年画在技术与艺术,传统与时尚,审美与实用的关系上的完美结合,可以说是设计艺术史上的一个典范。Specially in Relations of technology and art, tradition and fashion, esthetic and Function, It unifies perfectly, May say that is a model in the Art of Design history.

第二部分讨论文学、画报、月份牌等形式对老上海女性形象的表现形式的影响及其特点。Secondly, discussing the representation and characteristic of the old shanghai women figures which had been effected by literature, pictorial magazines, Advertising calendar posters.

从论述月份牌广告的艺术特色入手,结合当下艺术设计现状及发展的困惑,讨论研究月份牌的个案特征对于今天的商业设计的现实意义。The meaning of the specific case of Shanghai Yuefen brand poster to modem business design was discussed beginning from analyzing its art characteristic and the baffle of modem art development.

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从论述月份牌广告的艺术特色入手,结合当下艺术设计现状及发展的困惑,讨论研究月份牌的个案特征对于今天的商业设计的现实意义。The meaning of the specific case of Shanghai Yuefen brand poster to modern business design was discussed beginning from analyzing its art characteristic and the baffle of modern art development.

第一部分主要研究月份牌画相较于传统年画在题材内容方面的改变。Firstly, the contents in the earlier calendar posters were almost from the traditional New Year posters, which included opera stories, myths and legends, and other kinds of auspicious festive theme.