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你只是在随随便便打拳击。You're only playing at boxing.

没有事情随随便便发生,都是计划的一部分。宿命论!Nothing just happens,it's all part of a plan.

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第三,随随便便地使用神的名。And, thirdly, casualness in the use of the name.

这个懒惰的小男孩随随便便洗了下他的脸。The lazy little boy gave his face perfunctory washing.

他不应该随随便便地对待生死攸关的决定。He shouldn't palter with a decision involving life and death.

说到随随便便地轻易听从一个朋友的劝告,在你身上可还找不出这个优点。easily -- to the persuasion of a friend is no merit with you.

我可不能因为他是个好家伙我就随随便便地把他招回来了。I can't just put him back in the squad because he's a good lad.

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我们不能随随便便让什么张三李四的都加入我们的俱乐部。We can't admit every Tom, Dick and Harry to membership of the club.

伍德不论选择朋友还是敌人都是随随便便,来者不拒。Wood is indiscriminate in his choice of friends as well as enemies.

他的牛就这样随随便便死了,可实在又没有合理的解释。There was no rational explanation for the random deaths of his cattle.

就那样随随便便地把七十五万英镑扔给了一个朋友。Tossing three quarters of a million lightheartedly to a friend that way.

既然如此,神怎么可能随随便便就把自己精心创造的杰作拱手送人呢?How can God be so generous to send his elaborately made work imprudently?

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如果他们不打算考虑某观点,不会随随便便地去要求他人说出观点。They don't ask for input "just for drill" if they don't plan to consider it.

谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理煳毅力。Nobody can casually succeed it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.

说到随随便便地轻易听从一个朋友的劝告,在你身上可还找不出这个优点。To yield readily -- easily -- to the persuasion of a friend is no merit with you.

那些随随便便就得来的东西,是不会被珍惜的,也不会长久的。Things that comes easyly will not be treasured and will not be last for a long time.

谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。Nobody can succeed casually, it comes from the thorough self-control and perseverance.

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他们感兴趣的主题是“猎艳”或者不必负责、随随便便的艳遇。Their topic of interest was "hooking up", or commitment-free casual sexual encounters.

即使我们说,我们只是肉体,但那并不意味着我们只是随随便便的肉体Even though we say "We're just bodies," that doesn't mean that we're just any old body.

谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-management and perseverance.