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平心静气地打开笔记本电脑箱Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.

出现这种情况应平心静气地找原因。Happen to be looking for reasons dispassionately.

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不要对他们发怒,也不要让他们觉得歉疚,就只是平心静气地谈心。Not out of rage or to guilt or shame them. Just talk.

让我们平心静气,从两方面来谈谈滑铁卢吧。Let us, therefore, speak of Waterloo coldly from both sides.

教练在示范的时候,一直强调初学者要平心静气,量力而为。Coach in the demonstration, has been emphasized beginners to breathe, your best.

他仅仅掀掀眉毛,平心静气地表示他自己和其他人的反对。He merely lifted his eyebrows in placid deprecation of himself and everybody else.

当她意识到她父亲有多么需要我时,你知道,她会平心静气考虑我。She'll think kindly of me, you see, when she realizes how much her father needs me.

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因此,如果他的举动让你心生疑虑,最好的办法就是你能够平心静气的坐下来和他好好谈一下。So, if his behavior makes you suspicious, it is best if you sit down and sort it out with him.

希尔说,他了解北韩在核查方面有顾虑。他表示愿意和他们进行平心静气的讨论。Hill says he knows North Korea has concerns about verification and says he wants to discuss them calmly.

我希望,这番话将会让大家先平心静气,这样我才能跟他们谈精神分析师的立场是如何的不可能。I hope this will calm them down before I talk to them about the impossibility of the analyst's position.

倘若她能平心静气一会儿,哪怕是几分钟,在我看来,那种静默恐怕将是一大稀罕。If she could quiet down and keep still a couple of minutes at a time, it would be a reposeful spectacle.

曾经停止一段孽缘,可你依然平心静气、谦背怨言。于是魔鬼伺机留下了他的背囊。You got out of a bad relationship, but you are still resentful and angry. You let the devil leave his bag.

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进入一种昏昏欲睡、催眠般的状态,平心静气到睡眠状态,感受或认识到你的祈祷将会得到回应。Get into a sleepy, drowsy state and lull yourself to sleep feeling and knowing that your prayer is answered.

不要担心给父母增加额外的压力,重要的是找个合适的机会,在大家都平心静气的时候交谈。Don't worry about putting added stress on your parents, just try to pick a good time to talk when everyone is feeling calm.

除了拥有使这种方法发挥作用所必要的金融方面的知识外,谈判者也必须是平心静气的辩论者。Besides having the financial knowledge necessary to make this style work, practitioners must also be dispassionate debaters.

不过你好歹看在何牡丹替你奔走操劳的份上,平心静气她听我说句话,好么?However you somehow see what peony rush approximately to work hard at chores as you up, calmly she listens to I say a words, nice?

少想自己的事业会如何促进社会发展,多想其有趣之处,并保持睡眠充足和平心静气,这样一来,我的科研工作往往做的更加漂亮。I get better scientific research done when I sleep more, calm down, and think less about social “motivators” and more about having fun.

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夏令时将在这个十月的最后一个周日结束,伦敦的秋天缓步而行,一派心意沉淀,平心静气的样子。Daylight saving time will be on this October last ends on Sunday, London and do the steps of the autumn, a mind precipitation, calmly appearance.

比如,我发现尽管平心静气地说话很难,我的丈夫就有这个超赞的性格,说话几乎从不刁难我。For example, although I find it hard to resist using an irritable tone, my husband almost never speaks harshly, and that's really a wonderful trait.

当他需要冷静,平心静气,在阴影里找到安静的时刻,他表现得像个被强光刺得沮丧不堪的热血少年。Just when he needed to be at his calm, dispassionate best and find that quiet moment in the shade again, he behaved like a hot-head who had been cut up at the lights.