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这儿我们围绕着仙人球Here we go round the prickly pear

它是我的掌上盆景-----仙人球。It is my palm bonsai ----- cactus.

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连这怕冷的仙人球也能拔开白雪见碧绿。Even the cold of snow Cactus can unplug see green.

原因是,我在这块地上种下了我的小仙人球。The reason is that i planted my cactus on the land.

我们在很多的时候真的很难胜过仙人球。We have a lot of time is really difficult than cactus.

出于本能,我迅速伸手抓了一样——结果TMD是颗大仙人球。On instinct, I leapt forward to catch the closest thing. It was not the expensive vase. It was a cactus.

俺喜爱的植物是仙人球,因为它可以不用细心照顾任然可以茁壮生长。My favorite is the cactus plant, because it can not be careful to take care of any natural existence and growth.

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但科学家表示,这种斑块沉积物可通过从包括仙人球和褐藻在内的植物中提取的化学物质来减少。But scientists say the plaque deposits can be reduced with chemicals from plants, including prickly pear and brown seaweed.

虽然这些带疣突的金星品种是非常罕见的,那种疣突确是自然天成,而且在其他的仙人球品种也可看到类似情况。Though these crested M. longimamma are very rare, cresting occurs naturally, and can be encountered in many other cactus species.

一种仙人掌类植物,尤指仙人球属和刺仙人掌属,有多刺的茎,成不分支的球状或圆柱状。Any of several cacti, especially in the genera Ferocactus and Echinocactus, having unbranched, globular to columnar, ribbed spiny stems.

一个人有了困难,就像这被包裹住的仙人球,只要你能坚强的屹立着,永不倒下,还有什么困难不能克服呢?A person with difficulty, as it was encased in the cactus, as long as you can stand the strong, never falling, what difficulty will be overcome it?

他们发现,当这种果蝇被应用褐藻提取物时,它们的寿命延长了两天。仙人球帮助这种昆虫多活了四天。They found that when the flies were given brown seaweed extract, their lifespans increased by two days. Prickly pear helped the insects live four days longer.

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周末的功夫,到花鸟市场挑了一株仙人球,摆在办公桌上,顿时,视线有了优美的转移。I went to flower market and bought a ball cactus yesterday. I put it on my desk. From today on, when I feel visual fatigue, I can have a look at my ball cactus.

仙人球的样子的确奇特,它既没有牡丹的雍容华贵,也没有茉莉的芳香四溢,更没有水仙的婀娜多姿,但它确有一种顽强的生命力。Cactus look really strange, it was neither the elegant peony, jasmine fragrance and no fragrance, and no graceful narcissus, but it does have a kind of vitality.

我是生长在花盆里的一个孤独的仙人球,被现在的主人买来,放在他工作桌上的电脑前,大部分时间吸收着电脑的辐射。I am growing in pots in a lonely cactus, is now the owner bought, on his work table in front of computers, the computer most of the time absorbing the radiation.

选择仙人球组织作为生物催化材料,同二氧化碳电极组合,研制成了L-丙氨酸生物组织传感器。A new biosensor for L-alanine was designed, using cactus tissue as biocatalytic material and potentiometric carbon dioxide gas sensing electrode as basic electrode.

大千世界,各有所爱,有人爱富贵华丽的牡丹,有人爱高耸云端的白杨,我却独爱我家院子里那普通而又顽强的仙人球。Boundless, all have love, some people love wealth gorgeous peony, some people love the poplar towering clouds, but I love my family in the yard alone and that common but stubborn cactus.

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在三嵌段共聚物P123水溶液体系中,合成了特殊形貌的层面光滑的碳酸钙层状聚集体、具有多级结构的碳酸钙层状聚集体和仙人球状的碳酸钙粒子。High ordered CaCO3 step-multilayer assemblies, multiple layer crystals with smooth films and cactus- like particles, were easy synthesized in aqueous solution of triblock copolymer P123.

而仙人掌、仙人球、虎刺梅等浑身长满尖刺,极易刺伤婴幼儿娇嫩的皮肤,甚至引起皮肤黏膜水肿。And the muddy height such as plum of thorn of ball of cactus , celestial being, tiger is full spinal, stab the infant's delicate skin extremely easily, cause oedema of skin mucous membrane even.