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为了给女方留下一个好印象,男方会同意女方的选择。Guy wants to impress the girl, agrees to her pick.

为了让男方喜欢她,女方会同意男方的选择。Girl wants the guy to like her, agrees to his pick.

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可是,许多新郎的父亲仍然要求女方有陪嫁。However, the fathers of many bridegrooms still require it.

所以无论他对女方做了什么,他们都会对他做同样的事。So whatever he does to her, they do the same thing to the male.

女方是城市户口,独养女儿,家境好。The woman is registered city alone, a daughter, family circumstances.

可是,相了好几次亲,都因为女方嫌他矮而告吹。But, kiss many times, disrelish him because of the woman short and fail.

如果男方不愿意使用避孕套,那么女方可以使用女士用的避孕套。There is also female condoms available if men do not wish to wear one on.

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他和女方已经谈好了各方面细节,并且两人关系很好。He and the mother have discussed everything and are on very friendly terms.

女方的家庭向新郎索要得太多,这使“新娘彩礼”看起来很糟糕。Families make lots of demands on the groom. They think this makes lobola look very bad.

假如一个女人爱上了一个男人,只要女方不故意瞒住男方,男方一定会看得出的。If a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.

郭毅还补充试自己并不苦苦哀求这个问题,因为女方父母通常会依他们安排不同房间。He also added that he does not worry about the problem, as the woman' arrange separate rooms.

他谦虚地说,这应该问女方,毕竟自己给自己打分数是不够客观的。This should be predetermined by the female side. After all it is not objective to score myself.

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因为结了婚后,男方以后要负起养育女方及孩子的责任。Because the marriage knot, after the man and woman to assume the child- rearing responsibilities.

男方身上与女方接触部位覆盖着很厚的肌肉组织,因此这部分没有硬骨头。The male pubic area is covered with thick tissue, so this area doesn’t consist only of hard bones.

如果想要多个小孩并且女方还年轻,输卵管复通术也许更好一点。If multiple children are desired and the woman is young, tubal reversal is perhaps a better choice.

夫妻双方都认为,他们争吵的原因实际上是有关控制权的问题──以及作为女方的格林瓦尔德对控制权的需要。情侣自驾游。Both husband and wife agree that the spat was really about control--and Ms. Greenwald's need for it.

首先,一个俄国人怎么能娶一个拉脱维亚人,何况女方还是个平民How can you marry a Latvian to begin with, if you're a Russian and marry somebody who was a commoner?

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中国大多数地区都保留有新郎给女方家里送聘礼的习俗。Most parts of China hold the tradition of the bridegroom giving betrothal gifts to the bride's family.

过去,由于受封建思想影响,男青年到女方家落户被看做是低人一等的事。In the past, few Chinese men were willing to be "daochamen"—men who lived with their brides ' families.

日前,他们相约出游,由女方开车在洛杉矶逛大街。Now James and Aggy have set tongues wagging once again, after they were spied hanging out in Los Angeles.