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那个去世的神父?The priest who died?

他就是亨利神父。This was Father Henry.

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谢谢您,范恩神父。Thank you, Father Venne.

你好。我是欧康纳神父。Hello. Im Father OConnor.

你好。我是欧康纳神父。Hello. I'm Father O'Connor.

神父的酒窖和食品库。Their butteris and larders.

托利若斯杀了神父?Torrijos killed the priest?

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你好,神父你好吗?Hello revenant . How are you?

第一位是普林斯顿长老会的神父。The first is Peter Hazelrigg.

目前的司铎是钟宽仁神父。Our priest is Fr. Clarence Jones.

神父耐心地听他讲。The abbe listened to him patiently.

神父,你在大量走私。Abbé, you are trafficking in masses.

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忽然间神父又开步走了。Suddenly the priest resumed walking.

神父赶紧打开了门。The friar quickly unlocked the door.

神父赦免了他的罪过。The priest absolved him of his sins.

神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。The priest intoned the final prayer.

导演派我扮演一个发了疯的神父。The director cast me as a mad priest.

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这里就是范礼安神父的墓穴。This is the tomb of Father Valignano.

这就是关于神父代﹒佩奈兰达的回忆。This is the memory of Father DePeneranda.

他死前向神父忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.