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崎岖的石级也纷纷下坠。The rough stone stairs are down falling.

梅森正在前面破败的石级上坐着。Mason was seated on the broken front steps.

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向洞内望去,见有一道石级。And looking into it, he saw a flight of stone stairs.

自飞云阁洞北望,林荫夹道,石级绵延。Since Feiyunge hole north, tree-lined lined, stone-level stretching.

这下恶魔石级的镐成采黑曜石和地狱石必须品了。Hellstone and Obsidian now require at least a Demonite pick to gather.

他拍手大叫,手舞足蹈一番,这才顺着石级走下。It gladdened him greatly, clapping his head with shout and dancing wildly.

教师是石级,承受着学生一步步踏实的向上攀登。Teacher is the stone stairway which sustain the students go upward step by step.

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原来我的头靠在她的胸上,现在忽然脱开了她的手臂朝后倒在石级上了。I had been leaning my head against her bosom, and all at once. I sank from her arms and fell backwards on the steps.

她带路走下她们刚才下去过的石级,沿着另一条通道走去,终于走到了空旷的地方。She led the way down the steps they had already descended, and along another corridor and so finally out into the open air.

船一靠岸,我就雇了四个挑夫,帮我把箱子从石级上扛下来,放到一艘去加莱的船上。I reached Dover before midnight, and at once got four porters to carry my chests down the stone steps leading to the Calais boat.

曲径通幽沿大雄宝殿后的石级山道前行,即达狮王处。还可通往金华山文风塔。其间小桥流水,谷幽泉美。Winding track leading to mystery Walking upward along the stone stairspaved at the back of the Main Hall, one can reach the King Lion.

根据料场砂砾石级配特点和反滤设计要求,综合利用筛分料和爆破料改善反滤料的级配,进而提高反滤料的质量,同时减少反滤料的开采量。In order to improve the gradation and the quality of the filtering material, both sieved and blasted materials are used. And the quantity of gravel mined decreased.

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两个高个子的女祭司给她套上长袍,戴上兜帽,披上披风,然后让她转过身面向石级站着,石级上的宝座在夜色里只是黑沉沉的一团。When she stood at the bottom, the two tall priestesses put on her a black robe and hood and mantle, and turned her around again to face the steps, the dark stain, the throne.

公路通到了村口就戛然而止,接下去的是一条贯穿村子逶迤而上的狭窄石级,和村外的通京古道相连,绵绵延延,伸向了大山的更深处。The road to the village was halted, the next is a village on the narrow and winding through the steps, connecting Beijing Road and outside the village, rain delay, deeper into the mountains.