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她对他的出言不逊怒火中烧。She burned with fury at his unkind remarks.

你总是出言不逊得罪人。You are always abusing and offending people.

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学生对校长出言不逊是粗鲁无礼的。It was rude of a student to sass to the master.

他对汤姆的妈妈评论的话真的是出言不逊。What he said about Tom’s mother was way below the belt.

大妹听“九妹”出言不逊,急忙谴责。Big sister listen to nine younger sister linesmen, quickly condemned.

这类“出言不逊”的行为对于分析型人士来说并非罕见。This kind of “foot in mouth” behavior isn’t that unusual for an analytical.

不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重,出言不逊,讽刺等等的帖子。No does not respect, insolently, satire, etc for forum 's managementteammember.

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有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊!Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!

如今,在你出言不逊前,想想那些身患哑疾的人吧。Today before you think of saying an unkind word, Think of someone who can't speak.

不得发表对KG10管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。No does not respect, speak insolently , satire, etc for KG10 management team member.

不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。No does not respect, speak insolently, satire, etc for forum's management team member.

不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。No does not respect, speak insolently, satire, etc for forum ' s management team member.

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我曾经暗自庆幸,我不会出言不逊也不会为言语所伤。I ever felicitate myself secretly that I won't make impertinent remarks or be hurt by them.

尽管一贯对美国出言不逊,但查韦斯对西班牙却采取了较为温和的政策。While taking a familiar pop at the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory toward Spain.

尽管一向对美国出言不逊,查韦斯对西班牙却采取了较为温和的态度。While taking a familiar pop at the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory towards Spain.

奎托斯向房间最上部攀登的途中,克洛索不停地出言不逊。As Kratos scales his way to the top of the chamber, he is able to hear to voice of Clotho taunting him.

不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。No does not respect, speak insolently , satire, etc for High School Musical Chinese forum's management.

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这是心理学家们头一次发现出言不逊具有镇痛的功效。For the first time, psychologists have found that swearing may serve an important function in relieving pain.

四月份马克尔·那比尔被埃及军事法庭判处三年监禁,因为他在博客上对军队出言不逊。In April an Egyptian military court gave Maikel Nabil, a blogger, three years in jail for insulting the military.

看了这个,我为自己当年在武汉不能忍受我的顶头上司而在家中出言不逊而愧疚。After reading that , I feel shame to speak rudely at home because that I could not stand my direct superior in Wuhan.