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陈一倩也接到了公司的裁员通知。Chen Yiqian also got the pink slip.

裁员有是暂时的,也有是永久性的。A lay-off can be temporary or permanent.

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裁员有可能是暂时的,也有可能是永久性的。A lay-off can be temporary or permanent.

稻盛和夫星期一没有证实裁员的规模。Inamori did not confirm that number Monday.

裁员是否道德"而是"公司怎样做使得裁员更为人道?" but "How can companies downsize ethically?

分析家预测银行将裁员二十万。Analysts see 200, 000 banking industry layoffs

我这些家伙是裁员和墙驱逐舰。To me these guys are lay-up and wall destroyers.

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对工人的裁员原则是羚“后进先出”。Workers will go on a "last in, first out" basis.

诺基亚重要战略转移将裁员7000人Nokia slashes 7, 000 jobs in major strategy shift

裁员比例还不算大,不过我还没缓过神来。It's not even a large percentage of the workforce.

而金融类企业每天都会传出新的裁员消息。And financial companies announce new layoffs daily.

梅森和莱夫科夫斯基决定裁员。Mason and Lefkofsky decided to lay some people off.

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但这一次大肆裁员策略能行得通吗?But will this slash-and-burn strategy work this time?

在华尔街,裁员的大斧一次又一次的挥下。On Wall Street, the ax keeps falling again and again.

稻盛和夫说,想到必须裁员,让他感到痛苦。Inamori says it pains him to think he has to cut jobs.

我们知道,这里面将会有裁员、好莱坞等等。As we know, there will be layoffs, Hollywood, and more.

但是你可以做我的蓝裁员绒面鞋。You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes.

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公司的前几次裁员我都没有被考虑,但是这最后一次没逃掉。I outlasted several downsizings but the last one hit me.

是否有了学位就能让你高枕无忧,远离裁员呢?Will having a degree insulate you from getting laid off?

公司裁员中是第一个受害者。Mr. Jones was the first casualty of the firm's cut-backs.