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这儿有一把雨伞。Here is an umbrella.

它是你的雨伞。It\'s your umbrella.

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这是雨伞节。It's an umbrella snake.

你的雨伞在哪儿?Where is your umbrella?

他跑回去拿雨伞。He ran back for an umbrella.

这把雨伞你把它带上。Take this umbrella with you.

雨伞在近门处。The umbrella is by the door.

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禁止放湿雨伞!Don't put wet umbrellas here!

它落边的雨伞上。It rains on the umbrella here.

我拿错了雨伞。I took the umbrella by mistake.

我的外套和我的雨伞,请。My coat and my umbrella please.

我的雨伞给吹得翻过去了。My umbrella has blown insideout.

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我忘记带雨伞,只好冒雨步行回家。that I forget to bring my umbrella.

这国王的权杖有一头是装了一把雨伞的。It is a sceptre ending in an umbrella.

那么你们应该常带雨伞。So you should bring an umbrella often.

有人把我的雨伞偷走了。Someone has made off with my umbrella.

»在室内,你会避免把雨伞打开么?Do you avoid opening umbrellas indoors?

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风把我的雨伞弄翻了。The wind turned my umbrella inside out.

怪物夫人拿走了飞行猪的雨伞。The Mrs. Monster took Flappy's umbrella.

雨伞滴得满地板都是水。The umbrella dripped all over the floor.