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美国和欧洲遭遇夏季中期的低迷。US &Europe suffering mid-summer blues.

2010下半年,中国社交网站进入低迷时期,许多小型网站关闭了。with many small-size sites being closed.

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但在音乐方面,情况并没有这么低迷。Music-wise, however, things weren't so gloomy.

需要一个强力的清醒方法来战胜困倦低迷症?Need to a turbo boost to beat sleepy doldrums pinch?

他把自己的想法告诉另一个机器人,后者的情绪也变得低迷He talks to another robot, depresses the other robot.

在过去的十年里,行情低迷,一般股民的战绩均无上佳表现。The past decade has not been kind to stocks generally.

美国各地的高端房产都深陷低迷。Across America, high-end real estate is in a deep funk.

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然而,低迷的手机价格很快取代了小灵通的位置。However low priced mobile phones are rapidly replacing PHS.

在去年秋季经济低迷袭卷俄罗斯时,他住在一个垃圾场里。At the time of the economic downturn hit Russia last autumn.

国际上,日本经济的长期低迷就是一个典型的例子。Such as the economy of Japan has been stagnancy in long time.

在经济低迷时期,一些公司可能会试图向供应商施压。In a downturn, some firms might be tempted to squeeze suppliers.

每个人的精力、注意力程度和精力集中程度都有旺盛期和低迷期。Everyone has high and low periods of energy, attention and focus.

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经济低迷对欧洲IVD业务意味着什么?。What does the EconomicDownturn mean to the IVD Business in Europe?

那些投资金矿类股的共同基金股份一直表现低迷。Sales of mutual funds that buy gold-mining shares have been anemic.

近几年,我国证券市场行情持续低迷。The situation of Chinese listed companies has been low these years.

那么,经济低迷期,企业创新的主要着眼点在哪里?Then, what should the innovation focus on in the economic downturn?

华尔街低迷不振,整个经济不景气。Wall Street is in a slump and the economy is down across the board.

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一次经济低迷会不会很快让人丁兴旺之景再度幻灭?Would an economic downturn quickly send head-counts plunging again?

分析师预期记忆体产业景气低迷可能会延长至2009年.Analysts predicted the memory market's slump could drag on into 2009.

随着拉斯维加斯赌博业的低迷而低迷。Along with Las Vegas it is suffering from depressed gambling revenues.