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他被关进监牢任其苟延残喘。He was thrown into prison and left to rot.

华灯初上的城市,谁在看不见的角落苟延残喘?At night, the city, who in the invisible corner alive?

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除了一颗摇摇欲坠的心在苟延残喘地跳动外。In addition to a faltering heart in the beating to linger.

如今他得以在这个世界上苟延残喘,全靠我的努力呢!That he now breathes, and creeps upon earth, is owing all to me!

那里只有一些小规模的联盟抵抗力量仍在苟延残喘。There were only a few pockets of Alliance resistance forces left.

好莱坞的各家制片商都决定停止使用VHS格式,不过在民间VCR录放设备则还在苟延残喘,直到2005年,美国仍有9450万用户还在使用VHS格式的VCR录放设备。As of 2005, some 94.5 million Americans still owned VHS-format VCRs.

她让我意识到我只是苟延残喘,这令我害怕,滋味不好受。She made me realize I was only half-alive. It scared me and it hurt.

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但是李老爷让他们在这里苟延残喘已经够好心了。But Mr. Lea's being good enough to let them keep dragging on around here.

我曾在生活的边缘苟延残喘,谨慎行事,但我现在开始了真正的生活。I lingered on the edges before, playing it safe, but I'm in the game now.

这些补贴肥了富裕阶层,让亏损的企业苟延残喘,损害了经济的运行。These subsidies benefit the rich, keep loss-making firms alive and damage the economy.

战争或其他一些灾难如摧枯拉朽般将发育不良、苟延残喘的压力集团一扫而光。A war or some other catastrophe sweeps away the choking undergrowth of pressure groups.

其它的补习学校则遵循国家法令,继续在国家控制下苟延残喘地运行着——有时甚或需要伪装。Other hagwons flout the law, continuing to operate past the curfew — sometimes in disguise.

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至于我们普罗大众,面对不断上涨的食品价格,还是有那么几个办法来苟延残喘的。As for us, and ever-rising food prices, there are also a few ways we can buy some breathing space.

有些老报社由于销量低而倒闭了,-其他的也在苟延残喘。Some of old newspapers had to go out of business for low sales , while others straggled to survive.

在如此肮脏的环境里保持动物苟延残喘的唯一方法就是在它们的饲料中可劲添加抗生素。The only way to keep animals alive in such dirty conditions is to pump their feed full of antibiotics.

残存的蓝龙们是会被全部捕获?苟延残喘?或是从中诞生出一位新的领袖?Are the remaining blues to be hunted down, left alone, or will a new leader take the reins of the flight?

现在,这些难以令人置信的戏剧正在崩溃,因为没有多少可以让他们苟延残喘的空间了。Now, these unbelievable theatrics are about to crash as there is practically no wriggle-room left to them.

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在打击上海的上层阶级以后,蒋介石政权苟延残喘,只拖了几十个星期。After the blows against the Shanghai upper classes, the Chiang Kai-shek regime survived only some dozen weeks.

白及其同伙想要除掉蒋,使国民党政权得以苟延残喘。Pai and his associates wanted to get rid of Chiang in order to save something from the wreck of Kuomintang power.

卖给纽约几家周刊的几个笑话和几首俏皮诗使他得以苟延残喘。A few jokes and snatches of humorous verse, sold to the New York weeklies, made existence barely possible for him.