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不久后他就病倒了,而且一病不起。He soon after and did not recover.

我很欣慰,宁愿就那样一病不起的状态。I am very pleased, would rather that vulnerable state.

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书生受此打击,一病不起。The scholar is subjected to this stroke, a disease not.

书生受此打击,一病不起。Subjecting the student strikes, which he never recovered.

他被吓坏了,回到家后,便一病不起。Frightened by that, he felt ill right after returning home.

但当他刚刚拥有了这些“财富”,妈妈就一病不起并且离开了他。Scarcely was he in possession of his treasures, when his mother sickened and died.

如期完工。但孙坤自己却因为劳累过度而一病不起了。They were completed on time. But Sun Kun was laid up with illness due to excess tiredness.

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自从唯一的儿子死后,刘老师就一病不起,已经好久没来学校上课了。Since the only sons death, Ms. Liu on the terminal one , has been a long time did not come to school.

而一些平时不太生病,经常自诩什么也不怕的人,一旦生病了反而一病不起,枉送性命。However, some people who do not get sick easily and claim fear of nothing, tend to lose their lives once getting ill.

观察员认为朝鲜今年前8个月以来的挑衅是因为朝鲜政权的最高领导人似乎会突然一病不起。They attribute the belligerence in the first eight months of this year to a regime whose top leadership seemed suddenly vulnerable.

里德太太因为替儿子担心,身体受到严重影响,听到他的死讯,突然一病不起。And then Mrs Reed, whose health had been badly affected by worrying about her son, had suddenly fallen ill when she heard of his death.

一向胆小而贤淑的母亲因此一病不起,而欧也妮这个痴情的姑娘最终等到的却是发了小财归来的负心汉。The shy and virtuous mother fell down from heartache, while Eugenie, this spoony girl, got a rich man who was not loyal to her love any more.

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神父打算带着这些罪恶的财宝回西班牙去,但是开船前的一星期他发了高烧一病不起。The evil priest planned to return to Spain with his ill-gotten treasure, but he fell ill with a fever a week before his ship was scheduled to leave.

李瓶儿日夜悲啼,不思饮食,又经不起潘金莲的风言风语,不久也一病不起,命归黄泉。Li P'ing-erh cried day and night and couldn't eat and sleep. She couldn't bear P'an Chin-lien's slanderous gossip, and soon she also fell ill and died.