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他将这句誓言放在神龛内阿真的牌位旁。He put the promise in the shrine beside the tablet of O-Tei.

悟空二次进洞,没找到师父,却见到李天王和哪吒牌位。Monkey went to the Jade Emperor with the tablets in his hands.

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步行小心周围的牌位、草地、花瓶和喷头。Walk with care around memorial tablets, lawn vases and sprinkler heads.

你刚才说我家牌位上是你什么人?Your what person is you a moment ago said me on domestic memorial tablet?

轩辕庙内的大殿中间放有黄帝的牌位。Yuan temple's main hall Yellow Emperor placed among the memorial tablets.

把祖先的牌位都供和祖先的那个,我爷爷奶有的相片什么的,都供在那儿。We will place the name boards of ancestors, and photos from my grandparents there.

让栾学堂和关雅丽在栾父的牌位前磕头认错。Let Luan school and GuanYa before the memorial tablet of LuanFu kowtow to apologize.

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长文告诉淑萍许妈的牌位在他那儿,让淑萍晚上去找她。Long in his there, tell shu ping Xu Ma mantle let shu ping in the evening to find her.

让一些堕胎的当事者因畏惧、害怕,结果花钱为婴灵买牌位。Some people who had abortions are scared into spending money to buy plaques for infant spirits.

萧岚对这一发现也非常惊讶,她连忙对着牌位大喊娘。Xiao LAN is very surprised on this finding, she shouted niang hurriedly to the memorial tablet.

友志为杜绝庆祥再次上门捣乱,于是将祖先牌位硬推给庆祥。Youzhi thrusts the ancestral tablet to him to prevent Qingxiang from going to their house again.

第三进叫做“寝堂”,历代祖先的牌位在这里安寝。The third section is called the Memorial Hall, where the tablets for all ancestors are enshrined.

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接着,韩疏影将何楚天的牌位还有何妈妈的牌位留给了何楚天。Then, Koreas thin film will any chutian memorial tablet whats mothers memorial tablet for chutian.

这东西两边的附属建筑是过去存放各种神灵的牌位。The east and west annexes were used to hold divine tablets of various gods worshipped at the Altar to Heaven.

她在弥留之际,曾反复嘱咐儿子,一定要把灵前的牌位写得气派一点。She is in during be dying, ever told a son repeatedly, must write the memorial tablet before spirit air a bit.

曾见过在超度牌位中,有同一个妈妈超度十几个未出生的胎儿,看得令人触目惊心,这身上有多少条生命呀!I once saw rebirth plaques made by a mother who tried to cross over more than ten fetuses that she had aborted.

悟空捧牌位找玉帝,玉帝命李靖父子收服耗子精,放出唐僧。The Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly King Li and Nezha to subdue the mouse spirit and get Tang Priest out of the cave.

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靖国神社位于东京千代田区,神社内供奉着包括东条英机在内的14名甲级战犯的牌位。Shrine in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Shrine enshrines, including Hideki Tojo, including 14 Class A war criminals of the tablets.

要缅怀过去,初一十五擦擦相片,拜拜牌位就可以了,现在大家关心的焦点是怎么让E。You want to remind the past, just cleaning their photos and memorial tablets is ok. I think we concern now is how to run E.

做成的祖鼓要悬挂在堂屋进门左边壁上事先凿好的鼓洞中,并作为祖先的牌位。The drum will be hung at the left side of living room where some holes are ready before, as the memorial tablet of ancestors.