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他能进名士堂,这一点也不特别。He's very deserving to be in the Hall of Fame.

余教授是位儒林名士。Professor Yu is famous among Confucian scholars.

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尤其是以名士自居者!Particularly is with well-known scholar from reside!

“竹林七贤”之名大约起源于东晋时期,或称“竹林名士”。The name of Zhulin Qixian was named in East Jin Dynasty.

有与市井文化靠拢的热情,又不失名士对闲情逸致的追求。He loved not only philistine culture but also leisurely and carefree mood.

成千上万名士兵在城墙外一场激烈的战役中丧生。Thousands of soldiers died during the fierce fighting outside the city walls.

魏晋风度的产生和形成,标志着名士对理想人格的追求。The form of their demeanor is a symbol of their desire to seek ideal personality.

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一方面,董其昌与徽籍名士成为密友石交。Firstly, Dong Qichang developed intimate friendship with scholars of Anhui Province.

西湖在过去一千年来,一直是名士美人流连之所,重重叠叠的回忆太多了。The west lake has been a dreamland for gentleman and beauties, too much reminiscence here.

二周在生活和创作中的战士情结和名士情结深刻影响了其散文风格的形成。Lu's soldier complex and Zhou's tecluse complex have affected their writing style of prose.

嵇康是魏晋名士风度的代表人物。The demeanor's substance was the freedom of the spirit that pursued the liberating country.

名士总是与一定时期的社会环境、主流思想相联系的。Celebrities are always relevant to the social environment and the main ideas of certain period.

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绍兴作为“名士之乡”,众多的名人故居成为了本地的旅游与文化特色。As the "Hometown of Celebrities", Shaoxing is featured by many Former Residences of Celebrities.

名士渊源于后汉,汉末的社会环境、风尚对名士有较大的影响。The movement of striking groupings had great influence on the literature of the late Han Dynasty.

刘为金代著名学者,首位词赋状元,当时名士多出于其门下,号称“一世师宗”。Liu Wei, who got a first in the highest imperial examination, was a famous scholar in Jin Dynasty.

他所说的“读书练剑”,在那名士如云的时代,也不过是很一般而已。What he calls "reading Lian Jian, " Baume & Mercier clouds in that age is nothing but very general only.

汉末名士群体与外戚宦官及其所代表的皇权的抗争,是汉末政治的重要内容。The rivalry between elite groups and imperial regime was the important content of politics in late Han dynasty.

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同时,三“李杜”树立的道德价值理念,在名士阶层的形成中也起着重要作用。Also, the moral values which were set by three "Li Du" played an important role in the formation of elite clans.

这里是人文荟萃之地,这里是名士辈出之乡,这里有滩涂湿地号称“水绿盐城”。This is a place of talented people. It has been home to many famed persons. The vast wetlands make it a green city.

亭北面的这几间平房,就是“名士轩”,是历代文人雅士宴聚之地。North of the pavilion there are several bungalows , called "Mingshixuan", a dining and gathering place for scholars.