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他死而复生啦!He that was dead lives!

人能从坟墓中死而复生吗?Can a man rise from the grave?

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他活啦!他死而复生啦!He lives! He that was dead lives!

那个人让其死而复生了。This Man raised her from the dead.

并在第三天死而复生And on the third day you rose again

以利沙使书念妇人的儿子死而复生。Elisha restores the Shunammite's son.

我相信自己可以死而复生。I believe in my survival after death.

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好像你是死而复生似的。It’s like you are back from the dead.

我们已经历死亡,将会死而复生。We have experienced death,we will experience resurrection.

根据基督教的说法,耶稣基督曾死而复生。According to the Christian religion,Jesus Christ resurrected from death.

但是一个被称作人体冷冻学的新领域将会让某些人死而复生。But a pioneering field called cryonics could give some people two lives.

你过世的朋友和亲戚死而复生,行为古怪。Deceased friends and relatives coming back from the dead and acting strangely.

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中文摘要本论文主要讨论「死而复生」神话中,所表现的内在精神,与象徵。This paper is to discuss the intrinsic spirit and symbolic of death-rebirth in mythos.

或者是他将死而复生,组织一支军队,重新统治罗马帝国。Or he was going to rise from the dead and raise an army and take over the empire again.

曾经,从被沮丧侵袭后留下的废墟中站起来就像是一次死而复生。It used to be that rising from the ash after the depression cleared was like resurrection.

近观那些死而复生的技术,可以总结出三条原因。A closer look at the ones that have staged comebacks suggests three ways in which they could.

它讲述了一对青年男女因爱死而复生的传奇故事。It is a legendary story describing a pair of young people who died for love and relived from love.

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如今人人都知道了我死而复生,我想去阅读,通过电脑跟我的朋友交谈,好好地享受人生。I want to read, talk with my friends via the computer and enjoy my life now that people know I am not dead.

李小龙死而复生完全是编造,他的模仿者从墓中回到人间,向谋杀他的人复仇。Bruce Lee fight back from the grave was downright with Lee imitator rising from the grave to seek vengeance of his murderers.

象死而复生的木乃伊,他们的脸在火光间出现了,露出毛茸茸的小束胡须和孩子气的笑容。Like mummies coming back from the dead, their animated faces emerge in the firelight, revealing downy wisps of beard and boyish grins.