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我吻了,他们仍呱呱叫。I kissed and they croaked.

乌鸦呱呱叫预报灾难。The crow croaked disaster.

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是的,它是。它呱呱叫。Does it quack? Yes, it does.

乌鸦在树上呱呱叫着。The raven cawed on the tree.

雨蛙呱呱叫,下雨必来到。Frog croak, rain will come to.

做一顿呱呱叫的健康晚餐Make a fabulous, healthy dinner.

可耻的是,这家伙竟然没有“呱呱叫”,讨厌!Shame the guy didn't " croak it" vile!

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我们喜欢听你呱呱叫!We like to hear you, quack quack quack!

河边,冬眠的青蛙呱呱叫着。The hibernated frogs croak by the river.

“这莼菜呱呱叫,”老人说。"Your stew is excellent, "the old man said.

青蛙在晚上11时以后呱呱叫是违法的。It's illegal for frogs to croak after 11 PM.

上帝保佑你们,你们这帮呱呱叫的会打仗的傻瓜蛋。God bless you all, you marvellous gang of fighting fools.

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鸭子,鸭子,摇尾巴。我们喜欢听你呱呱叫!Duck duck waddle back. We like to hear you, quack quack quack!

可是,太贪心,加太多辣芥菜酱,辣得我呱呱叫!However, I was too greedy and added too much hot mustard sauce!

如果像鸭子一样走路,像鸭子一样呱呱叫,则它一定是一只鸭子。If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

他只配蹲在水潭里,和其他青蛙一起呱呱叫,怎么可能做人的好朋友呢?All he does is to sit in the water with the other frogs, and croak.

母鸭飞了下去,开始朝它上面的宝宝们呱呱叫著。The mother flew down below and started quacking to her babies above.

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我们夜总会有特约的六人摇滚乐队“呱呱叫”乐队现场表演。We've a live floor show featuring the 6 piece rock band, the Toppers.

由于他英语说得呱呱叫,我理所当然地认为他是美国人。He spoke English so well that I took it for granted he was an American.

飞鱼生吃味道是呱呱叫的,而且不用把它切成小块。A flying fish is excellent to eat raw and I would not have to cut him up.