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我相信这是一个农村邮路吉普车。These "are" rural roads, postal Jeep.

邮路遍及全国。A postal network now covers the whole country.

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这是今天邮路或者运河的等价物.This is today’s equivalent of a post road or canal.

本文给出中国邮路问题的一个解法。In the paper, a solution method of the Chinese postman problem is given.

最后对优化后的邮路进行了结论分析和效果分析。At last a conclusion analysis and effect analysis are made of the optimized post road.

当1868年至美国的太平洋邮路开通后,香港邮票也可以在暹罗使用。Hong Kong stamps were also used in Siam as the Pacific route to the United States were opened in 1868.

高邮路洋房,豪华新装修,国外进口电梯,全新家具配置,停车方便,真正生活享受。Higher postal routes, luxury decoration, meanwhile, new imported the elevator brand new furniture, stop and real life?

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中国邮路问题是图论经典问题之一,在软件测试、邮件投递等诸多领域中都被广泛应用。Chinese postman problem is a classic graphic problem, it is widely applied by fields such as software tested, mail delivered.

特别是到1949年战火接近湖南时,各种邮路急剧下降,各项业务骤然萎缩,有些几乎停顿。Specially the flames of war approaches Hunan's time to 1949, each kind of postal route suddenly drops, each service withers suddenly, some stops nearly.

理论证明及实验测试都表明,时间依赖网络中国邮路问题算法为动态中国邮路问题的研究提供了新的思路。The time-dependent network model and the Chinese Postman Problem provide a wholly new method to effectively implement the Chinese Postman Problem for dynamic network.

到了一九四七年,邮局的业务很是兴旺,拥有一些自行车、一批邮递员和三百六十个邮站,邮路营业里程达两万英里。By 1947, the Post Office was a going concern, with a small fleet of bicycles, a crew of postal carriers and 336 stations, operating twenty thousand miles of postal lines.

如果您是以传真或电子邮件的形式发送信函,在签署时间时要往后顺延一天。传统邮件在邮路上的传输时间以日表示,而传真和电子邮件在电线上的传输时间以时、分表示。If you are sending a fax or email, then type the time next to the date. While letters "cross in the mail" in days, faxes and emails "cross in the wires" in hours and minutes.

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提出了一个简单而实用的邮路选择控制算法,以促进全国干线邮运调度的智能化、现代化。In this paper, a simple and available algorithm of routing control is presented. It can intelligentize and modernize the dispatch of postal transporting in national main line.

宋、元时期,因置高邮军、承州、高邮路、高邮府,领辖过高邮、兴化、宝应三县,为淮扬间繁华之地。Song and Yuan Dynasties, as set Gaoyou Army, bearing state, Gaoyou Road, Gaoyou House, the lead jurisdiction excessive mail, Xinghua, Baoying three counties, for Huaiyang between the prosperous land.