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了解它、拥有它、庆贺它!Know it, own it, celebrate it!

拿到钱那天我好像还要了个匹萨来庆贺呢.I probably had a pizza to celebrate.

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杰姬买花庆贺她。Jackie buy flowers to celebrate her.

这些plusses非常值得庆贺一番。These plusses are well worth celebrating.

他们决定举办宴会来庆贺这次演出成功。We held a party to celebrate our success.

我们今晚出去好好玩玩,以表庆贺。We are celebrating by steeping out to night.

印度尼西亚球员举起汤姆斯杯以示庆贺。Indonesia lift the Thomas Cup in celebration.

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元旦节,我们庆贺中国夏历新年。Chinese New Year we will guess lantern riddles.

在日本,丰臣秀吉庆贺儿子拾丸诞生。In Japan, hideyoshi celebrate son pill was born.

这句话是说,他甚至还和对手击掌来庆贺。He even exchanged high-fives with the competition.

摆酒庆贺,一家比一家大方。Give a feast to celebrate, more than a generous one.

我们办了一个晚会,庆贺妈妈的银婚纪念日。We had a party to celebrate mother 's silver wedding.

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他们将在公园大旨营建一座庆贺碑。They will put up a monument in the middle of the park.

第三天,加利利的迦拿有一家人娶媳妇,设宴庆贺。On the third day there was a wedding at Cana-in-Galilee.

平常的庆贺人群明显稀稀拉拉。The usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent.

在盛大的庆贺场面上,你会看到狮子舞。You can enjoy a lion dance on big celebration occasions.

是的,在这次100周年之际有许多东西值得庆贺。Yes, there is much to celebrate on this 100th anniversary.

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一个人能够活过百岁,将是一件值得庆贺的事情!A person had to live life, would be a cause for celebration!

云子在家中给中村功庆贺华诞。Clouds in the home village work to son birthday celebration.

通常皇后会在这正式接受她的生日庆贺礼。Usually, empresses would receive formal birthday greetings here.