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新出产线可能定址在四川成都。New product line may decide location to be in Sichuan Chengdu.

这些是16位元的区段位址空间定址的微处理器。These are 16 bit microprocessors with a segmented address space.

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从外部页面只能定址页面的第一个表单。Only the first form of a page is addressable from an external page.

如果您需要个别定址控制项集,则需要建立新表单。Create a new form if you need a separately addressable set of controls.

定址、读取所需的值时,内存双字逻辑出现故障。Memory double word logic failure at address, read value expecting value.

这一层的功能是寻址、定址、数据打包和安排路径。This layer is responsible for addressing, packaging, and routing functions.

本发明涉及将移动终端用于定址提醒的方法和系统。Methods and systems for using a mobile terminal as a location-based reminder are disclosed.

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因为会建立该页面上所有表单的执行个体,所以可从页面定址任何表单上的任何控制项。Because instances of all forms on a page are created, any control on any form is addressable from the page.

此页结束此课。下一课将讨论网际网路定址,第一页将涵盖IP定址。This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will discuss Internet addressing. The first page covers IP addressing.

本文给出了栏位解码和记忆体定址的方法,为时间程式控制器的实现提供了一种新途经。Coding of numeric segment and seeking address of memorizer are introduced. it creates a new strategy for achieving programming timer.

磁阻单元闸位于交叉点,只有当两条输入线同时定址时才会开关。The magnetoresistive gate elements would sit in the crossing points and be switched only when both input lines are addressed simultaneously.

中国唯一定期定址的国际组织博鳌亚洲论坛之永久性会议场所。It is the permanent seat of Boao Forum for Asia, which is the only international institution in China with regularly conventions on the same venue.

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在需求充分覆盖的条件下,研究了竞争企业定价定址的策略均衡,得出激励企业采用最小差异化产品战略的若干条件和结论。If the demand is sufficient, the result that two firms choose the strategy of minimum product differentiation to maximize their expected profits is induced.

对磷肥施用进行定址管理,为考量作物差异与土壤性质变异下,将田间土壤规划出差异性施肥之磷肥施用管理区。The site-specific phosphorus management is proposed in this study by delineating management zones for variable rate fertilizer application to manage in-field variability.

“设施初步定址在哥伦比亚大学林区的位置,光线在垂直树林中任意嬉戏,”DGBK事务所合伙人罗伯特•兰格说。"This exploration started with the location of the facility within the Forest District of UBC and the play of light in the vertical forest, " says Robert Lange, Partner, DGBK.