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他喜欢珍藏邮票。He likes to treasure up stamps.

她珍藏着一颗浑圆的珍珠。She has a perfectly round pearl.

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那个士兵的家人一直珍藏着这张便条。And the family had kept this note.

我把她的手珍藏在卧室。I keep her hands in my bedchamber.

果萃激情,首选珍藏永葆青春。Fruit passion maitain eternal youth.

请将我揽入怀中亦或珍藏于心。Hold me in your arms or in your heart.

她的珍藏品中有一幅伦勃朗的画。There's a Rembrandt in her collection.

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那段日子我将永远珍藏于心。These were days I will always treasure.

约翰·伯恩赛德最爱诗歌语录珍藏John Burnside's Favourite Poetry Sayings

这个三脚架是翠西珍藏的宝贝。This tripod is a treasure Trish cherishes.

但是天宇珍藏了长久的自然史。But Tianyu is not short on natural history.

哦,她珍藏他,为使荒歉的今天。O him she stores, to show what wealth she had.

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1978年在英格兰就发现了一个这样的珍藏品。One such collection was found in England in 1978.

她依然珍藏着老师送给她的钢笔。She still treasured the pen the teacher gave her.

所以男孩,穿上最适合你的西装,等我带上我珍藏的珍珠项链。So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls.

用桑皮纸珍藏新疆。TO treasure up Xinjiang with mulberry bark paper.

梅峰上珍藏着一幅巨型的山水画。There is a huge landscape painting kept up there.

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她对他的爱被永远珍藏在她的诗中。Her love for him is enshrined forever in her poetry.

这座花园有当地植物的最佳珍藏。This garden has the best collection of native plants.

武进的每一次规划建设,都值得去关注、珍藏。Every construction plan in Wujin is worth our attention.