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什么是友情?What is friendship?

更类似于友情。More like friendship.

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这一杯祝我们友情永固。This is to our friendship.

他们间产生了友情。Friendship grew between them.

这是我关于友情的看法。Tht is my ide bout friendship.

友情是团结的建造师。Friendship is a builder of unity.

友情胜过亲情。Friendship outdoes the relationship.

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友情,这是它与厄洛斯的不同之处。Friendship, that's the big difference.

友情是两人穿一条裤子。Friendship ---- one soul in two bodies.

友情是知趣相投的共享。Friendship means sharing same interests.

友情连接、广告、网站合作事宜。Links, advertising, web site co-operation.

爱情,友情,亲情的传语者。Chocolate-messenger of friendship and love.

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友情互助,可以给好友赠送礼品。You can send gifts to your friend for free.

阿富汗是中国的友情邻邦。Afghanistan is a personly neighbor of China.

友情链接必须是永久的,积极的,从来没有到期。All links must be on-page PR, not domain PR.

友情如水,是剪赓续的!Friendship such as water, is constantly cut!

租车网如何换友情链接啊?How to change a car rental network links ah?

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友情链接一定要做好,无论花多少时间。Links must be good, no matter how much time.

友情链接最好是选择同省的吗?Links with the province is best to choose it?

想跟我们做朋友吗?那就在这里申请友情连接吧!You are welcome to apply your site link here.