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连接主机失败。Connection to host falled.

使用基于名字的虚拟主机。Use name-based virtual hosting.

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但它不仅仅适用于主机。And it's not just for mainframes.

禁用基于主机的身份验证Disable host-based authentication

解体检修主机调速器。Overhaul the main engine governor.

一个安装在自己主机上的WordPressA self-hosted WordPress installation

我们的主机名称用的都是大写字母。Our hostname is all capital letters.

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局域网上的每个主机都有一个子网掩码。Each host in a LAN has a subnet mask.

列在这里的主机也会被检验。The hosts listed here will be pinged.

主机欺骗刚好是我们需要的工具。Host spoofing is just the tool we need.

使主机和UMD卡更长命命。More long life of console and UMD card.

用于处理主机名变更的脚本。Scripts to deal with host name changes.

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Bluehost是一家伟大的主机公司。BlueHost is a great web hosting company.

是否使用了基于域名的虚拟主机?Do you use domain-based virtual hosting?

修改虚拟主机定义。Modification of virtual host definitions.

这里的“NIS”是该主机的域名。Here "NIS" is the domain name of the host.

单击您要更新的虚拟主机。Click on the virtual host you are updating.

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双螺杆主机具有自洁功能。Double-screw can clean itself automatically.

获取主机看到的存储阵列列表Get a list of Storage Arrays seen by the host

主机名必须是一个可解析值。The host name needs to be a resolvable value.