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这是一个国家元首的问题。It's a head of state issue.

对准元首的脸。这是我的秘密哟!Right in the Fuhrer's face.

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几内亚比绍首任国家元首去世。Guinea-Bissau first head of state dies.

随后,两国元首举行了会谈。Later, the two heads of state held talks.

尊敬的各位国家元首和政府首脑阁下Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government

在英国,君主是国家元首,但不治理国事。In England, the sovereign reigns but does not rule.

预期20国集团的所有成员国元首都将出席会议。All of the “Group of 20” heads of state are expected.

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影片最后的台词“我的元首,我能走路了!”The final line of the film, “Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!

两国元首期待着今年再次举行会晤。Both Presidents look forward to meeting again this year.

两国元首先后发表了热情洋溢的祝酒辞。The two leaders proposed enthusiastic toasts respectively.

卡察夫是以色列历史上第一个接受审判的国家元首。Katsav is the history of Israel's first head of state trial.

在人们的想象中,他或许会以欧洲各国元首特使的名义四处旅行。He might notionally be travelling as the emissary of EU leaders.

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精疲力竭,她回家过圣诞节元首作出新的工作清单。Exhausted, she heads home for Christmas to make a new to-do list.

你会舍身救你的国家元首吗?Would you give up your life to save the president of your country?

尼日利亚当选总统古德勒克.乔纳森已经宣誓就职,成为尼日利亚第14任国家元首。Goodluck Jonathan has been sworn in as Nigeria's 14th head of state.

罗马帝国早期的行省分为元首行省和元老院行省。Provinces were divided into Senate provinces and Princeps provinces.

理论上,君主如同国家元首般享有至高无上的权力。Theoretically, the monarch embodies supremacy as head of state. P130

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公元一世纪左右,元首权力发展、壮大。About the first century, the princeps ' power developed and expanded.

于是在恐慌中,你投靠了那个最高元首--亚当苏特勒。And in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler.

李辉说,上海合作组织所有成员国元首都将出席本次峰会。Li said that all the heads of SCO member states will attend the summit.