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那么遗产呢?And inheritances?

但是他的遗产问题依然成谜。But his legacy was at stake.

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只是文学遗产么?Mody only literary heritage?

这个独生女继承了遗产。The only daughter took as heir.

我们是这个遗产的保存者。We are the keepers of this legacy.

甲负责管理乙的遗产。A administers upon the estate of B.

他挥霍掉他的大笔遗产。He dissipated his large inheritance.

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一群水牛是遗产的一部分。A herd of buffaloes was a part of it.

洋葱头甚至可以使遗产继承人或寡妇也哭起来。There is too much onion in the salad.

生来便缺乏道德的遗产。They are born without moral patrimony.

最好的整顿较长的遗产。Best straighten up for a longer legacy.

他把继承的遗产全都挥霍一空。He trifled away his entire inheritance.

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这儿有霍布森的另一处遗产。Here there is another legacy of Hobson.

这个印象是文化遗产吗?Is that impression a cultural heritage?

窃贼偷了一些家庭的祖传遗产。The burglar steal some family heirloom.

一个非物质文化遗产的传统。The tradition of a non-material legacy.

而世界遗产需要维基百科。The World Heritage List needs Wikipedia.

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死者留下遗产。The dead leave their wealth behind them.

凯伦说,“我们做的是一部永恒的遗产。”What we make is a longer-lasting legacy.

洋葱头甚至可以使遗产继承人或寡妇也哭起来。Onions can make even heir and widow weep.