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用担架把受伤的人抬走了。The injured were carried away on stretchers.

我看到有人从房子里救出,然后送上担架。I saw people taken out and put on stretchers.

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几个人被担架抬走了。Several people were taken away on stretchers.

担架上的一位男士开始呼吸沉重。A man on a stretcher begins to breathe heavily.

病房的另一头,放着一张空担架床。On the other side of the room was an empty cot.

他们在担架旁围得更紧了。They crowded more closely around the stretcher.

在把病人抬到担架上时,病人呻吟着。The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher.

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容易事情要做的是使用重型担架酒吧。The easiest thing to do is to use heavy-duty stretcher bars.

州警们只好给他束缚固定在担架上,抬走了。He was carried away in a straitjacket strapped to a stretcher.

守卫们把胖子费力地挪到担架上抬走了。The guards wrestle Fat-Ass onto a stretcher and carry him off.

凌晨4时,女子跟着担架上了急救车。At about 4am the girl got onto the ambulance with the stretcher.

在周二火箭对开拓者的季后赛比赛后,穆托姆博躺在担架上离开了赛场。Mutombo left Tuesday's Rockets-Blazers playoff game on a stretcher

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病人被抬上担架时在痛苦地呻吟着。The patient groaned painfully as he was lifted onto the stretcher.

帕恰库德坐在一顶闪闪发光的担架上,下令进行攻击。Seated on a shimmering litter, Pachacutec issued the order to attack.

救援人员携带担架上的3月12日在宫古地震的受害者。Rescue workers carry a quake victim on a stretcher in Miyako March 12.

随后陈梦被担架抬出场外,送往医院。Then Chen Meng was carried out on a stretcher, rushed to the hospital.

在长时间的治疗后,他被担架抬下场。He was stretchered off after lengthy treatment which held up the match.

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艺术复制品的油画作品画册专辑担架酒吧都容易组装。Stretcher bars for canvas giclee art reproductions are easy to assemble.

门厅要留足空间,方便轮椅和担架进出或回旋。The hall to leave enough space for wheelchair and stretcher out or swing.

当我拿来担架上的素描时我发现了秘书的阴私。When I fetched the sketch on the stretcher Ifound the secretary's secret.