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给理发匠一撮鼻烟。Give the barber a pinch of snuff.

我的祖父曾经闻过鼻烟。My grandfather used to take snuff.

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其中一个就涉及鼻烟窝。One of these involved the anatomical snuff box.

美国鼻烟公司制造的品牌有灰熊和科迪亚克。American Snuff makes the Grizzly and Kodiak brands.

我们认为,将军鼻烟能领导这种类别的产品。We believe that General Snus can command the category.

在所有的北欧市场中,鼻烟销售额和销量都增长。Snus sales and volumes grew in all Scandinavian markets.

鼻烟和口嚼烟都含有致癌物质。Both snuff and chewing tobacco contain deadly carcinogens.

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咀嚼烟草或吸鼻烟是安全的方法吗?Is chewing tobacco or taking snuff a safe form of tobacco use?

不要在工作场所进食、饮水、吸烟或吸鼻烟。No eating, drinking, smoking, or snuff-taking at the place of work.

在瑞典,鼻烟价格接近于卷烟的价格,他说。Snus prices are approaching those of cigarettes in Sweden, he said.

鼻烟壶是在明朝末年伴随着鼻烟的传入而进入中国。The snuff bottle spreads to China with the snuff in late Ming Dynasty.

得意的时候他只闻一点鼻烟。When he was pleased with himself, he permitted himself a pinch of snuff.

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第一鼻烟也正是一个真正的鼻烟不会-他打喷嚏。The first snuffer did exactly what a real snuffer does not do he sneezed.

请把喷鼻烟、打火机、钥匙、手表和手机放入盘内。Please put your cigarettes, lighter, keys, watch and cellphone on the tray.

自体鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘为老年尿毒症血液透析患者的最佳选择之一,值得推广。The SAV is one of the best choice for elderly and young hemodialysis patients.

明末鼻烟进口甚少,仅广东一地有人吸闻。The late Ming and imports little snuff , only one in Guangdong someone smell smoke.

瑞典和挪威是唯一允许销售鼻烟的西欧国家。Sweden and Norway are the only western European countries that permit the sale of snus.

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结论自体鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘为老年尿毒症血液透析患者的最佳选择之一,值得推广。Conclusion The SAV is one of the best choice for elderly and young hemodialysis patients.

侧侧吻合术式可作为鼻烟窝内瘘首选术式。Side to side anastomosis is preferred to build anatomical snuffbox arteriovenous fistula.

说完他嗅了最后一撮鼻烟,然后把鼻烟盒塞进了口袋。When he had said it , he took a culminating pinch of Snuff , and put his box in his pocket.