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你需要找个女孩泻泻火了,伙计。You need to get laid, man.

有清热泻火、润燥止渴的保健功能。There Qingre Xiehuo, functional health Runzao thirst.

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清热泻火,安神去烦,消炎抗菌,放松神经系统。Diminish inflammation and resist germs. Relax the nerve system.

方中生石膏味辛性寒,能清热泻火、除烦止渴。Party of gypsum flavour is cold and essien sex can clear away heat, except vexed enfold purging fire.

结论解郁泻火安神汤治疗痰火郁结型抑郁症与阿米替林疗效相当,安全性、依从性较阿米替林好。Conclusion The DRFDSQD and amitriptyline have equivalent efficacy in depression, and the has better safety and compliance.

也是因为那些没有大脑的愤青们除了叫骂泻火之外,还有性快餐的冲动需求。Because those who do not have the brain Fenqing Xiehuo In addition to shout curses, there is the impulse to the demand of fast food.

黄芩为临床常用中药,泻火解毒是其三大功效之一。Radix Scutellariae is a frequently used traditional Chinese medicine, and its main effectiveness includes the purging fire for removing toxin.

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黄芩为临床常用中药,泻火解毒是其三大功效之一。Radix Scutellarise is a frequently used traditional Chinese medicine, and its main effectiveness includes the purging fire for removing toxin.

黄芩对细菌性痢疾的治疗作用是其清热燥湿、泻火解毒功效在药理学上的体现之一。The therapy of scutellaria for bacterial dysentery is the embodiment of its pharmacological action which is cleaning heat, drying humidity and detoxifying.

忽感咽喉疼痛,饮漱难下,遂用大量清热泻火之药,症状得以缓和,但药停即发。So she took large amount of heat-clearing and fire-purging drugs. The symptoms were relieved after taking the drugs but reoccurred if she stopped taking them.

中医认为栀子具有泻火除烦、清热利湿、凉血解毒等作用。According to the Chinese medicine theory, cape jasmine have the effects of purging pathogenic fire and eliminating restlessness, clearing heat and eliminating damp.

黄芩甙是中药黄芩的主要成分,其具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒,凉血止血的作用。Baicalin is mainly the motile constituent of Radix Scuteuariae. it has the role of clearing away heat and promoting Diuresis, Cooling blood and clearing away toxic material.

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省中医院营养医师许欣筑说,苦瓜能清暑泻火,解热除烦,解劳乏、清心明目、益气壮阳。Hospital doctors said XuXinZhu province nutrition, balsam pear can clear heat, antipyretic purging fire except vexed, solution, pure in heart again bright eye, benefit spirit strong sun.

中医认为黄芩具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒、止血、安胎的作用。According to the Chinese medicine theory, scutellaria have the effects of clearing heat and depriving the evil wetness, heat-clearing and detoxicating, hemostasis and preventing miscarriage.

认为消渴平片的作用为生津止渴、清热泻火、滋肾缩尿,该药长期服用效果满意,可降血脂、改善肝肾功能。Xiaokeping tablet is considered as promoting fluid relieving thirst, clearing heat and fire, tonifying kidney reducing urine and lowering blood-fat, improving the function of liver and kidney.

后考虑到患者发病与月经的关系,取养血调冲任、平肝泻火中药治之,获效。Finally, it was considered to be linked to menstruation, therefore, herbs acting to regulate conception and thoroughfare vessels, calm liver and clear fire were adopted, they worked excellently.

知母味苦甘,性寒,归肺、胃、肾经,功能清热泻火、滋阴润燥、利水消肿。Rhizome anemarrhena, sweet and bitter to taste, cold, in the lung, stomach and kidney meridian, has the function clearing away heat and purging pathogenic fire, nourishing Yin and moistening dryness.