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天文地理无所不看,博览群书,汗牛充栋。Astronomy and geography anything, Expo Group, a voluminous.

他从没想到人类知识的积蓄竟会如此汗牛充栋。He had never dreamed that the fund of human knowledge bulked so big.

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当然,其他形式的政策也是汗牛充栋Of course, the consequences are enormous for other kinds of outcomes.

以往的宋学研究成果,汗牛充栋,讨论角度各有不同。There are tons of studies about Song Xue before, with different views.

包豪斯的设计从房屋到茶壶、台灯,汗牛充栋无所不包。From housing to the Bauhaus design teapot lamp, voluminous all-encompassing.

就此而言,无论世界还是中国当代艺术,此类作品可谓汗牛充栋。In this way, there is a large amount of works in either world art or Chinese contemporary art.

中国东北是满族的故乡,中国藏有汗牛充栋的原始资料。The northeast of China, a hometown of Manchu, possesses enormous original materials on Manchu.

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依靠学问的传承,大书的读者本身也成了写书人,他们的研讨著述汗牛充栋。In the tradition of learning, they have been most discussed by readers who have also been writers.

截止目前陶诗研究将近1500多年,学术成果可谓汗牛充栋。Up to now nearly 1500 years of pottery poetry, academic achievement can be described as voluminous.

久而久之,我的藏书汗牛充栋,书房里几乎连站的位置都没有了!Over time, my collection of books, in the study almost doesn't even have the location of the station!

永生卧室,十余米,内藏桌一、凳一、床一及汗牛充栋之书堆积。Eternal life bedrooms, more than ten meters, containing a desk, a stool, bed and voluminous book a heap.

在这类型汗牛充栋的研究中,这份报告预估出来的未来趋势似乎言之有理,不过这数字的精准度还有待商榷。As in so many reports of this kind, the trend looks plausible, but there seems little basis for the exact numbers.

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它是许多人谈论的焦点,描绘领袖人物的书籍也是汗牛充栋。There is an enormous amount of talk about it, and an enormous number of books are written on the charismatic leader.

有关马克思主义中国化的著述早已汗牛充栋,但对其子学科马克思主义民众化的研究却踟蹰不前。There have been lots of academic works on the localization of Marxism in China, but the research on Marxist peoplization falls far behind.

这些年来,研究池莉的著作可谓汗牛充栋,但真正将“城与人”作为切入角度的研究却很少。These years, Li Chi's book can be described as voluminous research. But people who researched the aspect of "City and People" were so little.

人类裸体形象所具备的意义,历来是不可忽视的,对人体见仁见智的表达,在历史上早已汗牛充栋。The significance of human nudity could never be neglected, and there have been an enormous amount of various opinions about human body in history.

学术界关于探讨中学音乐教育美育方面作用的文章也是汗牛充栋。There are too many books about probing into the article on function of aesthetic education of music education of the middle school of the academia.

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期间人们对经济危机的研究成果汗牛充栋,其中欧文·费雪和凯恩斯贡献卓越。During the period, an immense number of books had been pubhshed on economic crisis, the greatest contributions being made by Irving Fisher and Keynes.

我国现阶段对财政监督领域的研究可谓汗牛充栋,然而这些研究基本上以实证、政策研究为主,缺乏理论研究。There are numerous studies on fiscal supervision in todays China, but they mainly focus on empirical and policy research and lack in theoretical research.

中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下的文化典籍汗牛充栋。China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.